Office of Arbitration and Mediation – January 2018

Written Bydulac
Published On

Greetings and Salutations!


There is very little to report from the OMA for this past month, as yet again there have been no cases brought before the Office.  No news is good news, after all.. right?  It seems that most issues are stopped prior to reaching the Office, which means that the Commanding Officers, as well as Players themselves, are taking finding of solutions into their own hands which is what we want.  That may actually sound as if OMA is a redundant and unnecessary position, however, there still is a need for a backstop and third-party to arbitrate when things get “bad”.  I always encourage others to work between themselves to find solutions that are amicable to everyone involved, but please do not hesitate to approach OMA with questions or concerns, and we will do the best we can to assist.


The Rules Project, which falls under the purview of the Office, is meandering along and making certain headway.  There is hope that the project will be accomplished in the very near future; a lack of speedy expedition should not be a concern, as the rules can be detailed and convoluted.  The team is working diligently to make the rules comprehensive, more “user-friendly” and up to date with current times and changes within the Fleet.