Chapter 1 - The Midas Touch
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:04 PM
:::has walked around the object about five times.::: Hundreds of these things just waiting for someone to come too close.
(standard phaser)
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:04 PM
waits on the transporter pad with the others armed with just her phaser
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:05 PM
::gives a nod to the transporter chief:: Hit it.
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:06 PM
:::shimmer with the others. What they see when they beam down is not what was foretold. The luxorious city is rather drab. All of the gold has been stripped from the buildings, the streets are dirty, people look hungry and homeless.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:07 PM
looking around ” what happen here?”
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:07 PM
::quietly to the other two:: This…doesn’t look like the brochure.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:08 PM
Nods ” guess we look for some kind of goverment building or something”
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:09 PM
::straightens her uniform jacket and starts forward, either looking for a planetary representative, or to get close enough to a local to make inquiries::
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 9:10 PM
::looking over the parts of the device that he’s neatly arranged on the deck:: I still think we can put the entire field into diagnostic mode. All we need to do is figure out the command programming. ::sighs:: We could really use a Bynar pair.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:10 PM
does the same looking around for a local to talk to to find out what happen
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:10 PM
Kid> ::about 10 years old and looking filthy, approaches them:: I don’t have much to trade, but I’ll give you my shoes for some food.
The part that’s bothering me right now if what happens if they all go off at once.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:12 PM
::stoops down to put herself on level with the child:: I’m sorry…I don’t have any food to trade with you. I–need to talk to someone in charge. Where could I find them?
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:14 PM
Kid> ::points to a three story building:: The Governor lives there but he doesn’t see anyone since they tried to arrest him.
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:14 PM
Why did they do that?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:14 PM
“arrest him for what”
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:15 PM
Kid> He gave away our treasure.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:16 PM
Who did he give it to?
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:16 PM
Kid> : Shrug:: They came in a big ship and wanted our gold and our jewels. Took it right off the roads and the buildings and then they left. When they didn’t come back people got angry. Fighting happened.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:18 PM
“did they say who they were the ones on the big ship
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:19 PM
Kid> No….:::distracted by a group of other kids chasing a dog-like creature, then runs after them:::
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:19 PM
::grimace:: I hope that’s not lunch.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:20 PM
::stands, letting out a breath:: Let’s see what we can find out. ::gestures for the others to follow her to the building the kid indicated::
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:20 PM
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 9:20 PM
Diagnostic mode should prevent that. We just need to find the proper command.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:20 PM
::shutters:: ” me to poor creature” ::Follows::
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:22 PM
You mentioned the way this is made, reminded you of something years ago. Were there intel agencies invovled in that?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:22 PM
::quietly to the others:: Keep your head on a swivel. If the locals are hungry and desperate, they may be itching to cause trouble.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:22 PM
Guard> No one is allowed to enter the Governor’s residence.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:23 PM
sees the armed guards looks at one of them ” why not”
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:23 PM
Guard 2> Becasue that’s our orders.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:23 PM
My name is Lieutenant Commander Anastatzia Liski, and I serve aboard the Federation Ship the USS Mercutio. We tried to contact someone on the planet…but received no reply.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:24 PM
Guard> Federation? What are you doing here?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:25 PM
Someone left hundreds of explosives scattered around space in this sector. We’ve come to offer our assistance.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:26 PM
Guard> ::glances to the other guards:: The Governor isn’t seeing anyone today.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:26 PM
“when is he seeing anyone?”
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:27 PM
When…was the last time any of you had something to eat?
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 9:27 PM
I don’t know. I suspected so, but was never able to prove it. The way they were built, it was as though the builders were trying to hide who built them.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:27 PM
Guard 3> When you leave. ::laughs with Guard 4::::
Guard> We eat fine lady.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:28 PM
And…the rest of the community? ::glances back the direction that they came::
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:28 PM
::nod:: That can be a standard for these kinds of operations. ::squating down to examine a piece:::
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:29 PM
Why did you give away all your gold and fancy stuff. This place was supposed to be a paradise.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:29 PM
Guard 2> Those spacers didn’t keep their word.
Guard> Shut it.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:29 PM
” what word was that”
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:30 PM
Guard 2> :::hushes:::
Guard> We don’t really have time for Feddies with a lot of questions.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:30 PM
I…may have a theory as to why they didn’t return. I might be able to help the Governor get them back. But if he doesn’t want to see us… ::makes a waving motion with her hand and starts to turn::
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:33 PM
Guard 4> What’s the theory?
Guard> That’s enough.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:33 PM
::shrugs:: I guess they don’t need our help. More for us, I suppose.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:33 PM
Guard 4> Laz, it’s been eight months. This is crazy. If they can help let’em do it.
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:34 PM
So people came and took all your luxuries and promised what?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:34 PM
::turns her back to the guards and takes a few steps back down the road:: Let’s go.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:34 PM
“ok” * turns to walk away*
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:35 PM
Guard> ::sighs:::: That they would create a wormhole and we would become a big tourist area. We’d make enough to replenish what they took.
Guard 2> The Governor agred to the deal and when they ddin’t come back or make the wormhole the people turned on him. Economy broke down, it all happened fast.
::picks up the piece:: This looks Cardassian?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:37 PM
::stops her steps and slowly turns:: A wormhole? Did they say how?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:37 PM
turns around to look at the guard “Cardassians?”
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 05/07/2024 9:38 PM
((That line was Henry on the ship, I think))
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:38 PM
(Ok got confused sorry)
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:38 PM
(I’ll try and seperate them)
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:38 PM
turns around to look at the guard
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:38 PM
Guard> I don’t know how, they just said they could do it.
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 9:39 PM
Yes, it’s a navigational sensor.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:39 PM
::nods:: We may be able to help. But–I would need to speak to your governor to do it. Get more information about who he spoke with.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:40 PM
Guard> ::::thinks, then nods to the door:: Let them pass.
Guard 3> ::opens the door:: He’s on the second floor, but he’s probably drunk.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:41 PM
Thank you. I hope we can help. ::steps through the door and motions for the other two to follow::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:41 PM
follows stepping thru the door looking around
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:42 PM
::walking up the stairs::: They even took everything from inside.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:42 PM
Think all of those gizmos floating around in space could potentially create a wormhole?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:42 PM
“they stripped everything ” heads up the stairs
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:43 PM
Henry> Romulan, Ferengi, Cardassian….it’s like a who’s who of our enemies.
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:43 PM
Theoretically yes if they weakened space and imploded it.
They could also create a black hole, theoretically.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:44 PM
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 9:45 PM
::pointing to different parts:: That’s Ferengi, this is Romulan, Klingon, hell, even Tholian. And this is the part that’s the key…Federation made. But the software is unlike anything I’ve seen. I’m surprised it’s working at all.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:46 PM
seeing the door carefully approaching it knocking on the door
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:46 PM
Governor> Don’t bother me, I’m busy :::slurred:::
Henry> You’re sure we made it?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:48 PM
“Lt Comander Constance Stewart from the united Federation of planets “
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:48 PM
Governor> Federation?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:48 PM
We have word about your missing wormhole.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:49 PM
Governor> Why didn’t you say so…..come in come in!
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:49 PM
carefully walking into the office
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:50 PM
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:50 PM
::nearly gags:: Oh….no.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:51 PM
::starts coughing a little:: “aw man”
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:51 PM
::forces a smile that hides her grimace:: I… ::swallows hard:: I understand you made a deal with someone that seems to have fallen through.
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 9:52 PM
Yes, sir, the design model, at least. I’ve verified that. It’s a CM-422, revision 5. Designed at Jupiter Station. Used in thousands of probes, mines, torpedoes, and other such things. It could have come from one of them or been specifically replicated for this device.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:52 PM
Governor> I’ve been waiting for you people for months. These imbeciles almost hanged me, but I told you would come back.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:52 PM
::inclines her head:: We would come back?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:53 PM
” this is our first time here sir”
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:53 PM
Henry> ::not thrilled for that kind of detail::: I don’t want this reported off-ship, since we don’t know exactly who’s behind this.
Governor> Well, your uniforms are more colorful, but they’re Federation all-right. This calls for a drink! When will my wormhole be operational?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:54 PM
Governor–Sir…there is no wormhole.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:55 PM
they ones that stole all your gold and jewels were federation
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 9:56 PM
Govenror> Wh….what? They promised they would make me one.
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 9:56 PM
:::sticking her head out of the door now and then to take deep breaths:::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 9:56 PM
tring hard not to puke
whose they sir
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 9:57 PM
It appears that, whomever you’ve paid, left hundreds of mines of some kind all throughout this sector of space, making travel in this region incredibly dangerous.
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 9:58 PM
My lips are sealed, sir. ::frowning :: I just thought of something…it’s possible that not all the devices use the same mix of technologies. That could explain the odd programming: the need to be compatible with a number of different types of control modules.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 10:00 PM
Henry> So we could be looking at unique models all on different frequencies?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 10:00 PM
Whatever you’ve paid them to do…didn’t work.
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 10:00 PM
Governor> ::stands, wobbly::: Never trust people who wear black young ladies. Advice to live by. Excuse me one moment. ::feels along the walls, goes into a small side room:::
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 10:00 PM
Did he say black?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 10:01 PM
“he said they wear black”
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 10:01 PM
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 10:01 PM
*looks at outfit
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 10:02 PM
::makes eye contact with Patricia as–::
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 10:02 PM
::grown, knows what that means:::
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 05/07/2024 10:02 PM
Unfortunately, yes. It will complicate our efforts to disable them.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 10:02 PM
::swears in Ferengi as she dashes across the room::
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 10:02 PM
Guards> ::come running at the shot, entering the room::: Where is he?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 10:02 PM
hears the shot “fuck ” 8 follows Statzia
Patricia Crow
— 05/07/2024 10:03 PM
::::points to the room::: He didnt take the bad news very well.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 10:03 PM
:: comes to a sliding stop into the doorway of the side room::
Cpt H Crow — 05/07/2024 10:03 PM
Governor> :::slumped on the floor, blood and brains on the wall:::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 05/07/2024 10:04 PM
::comes slideing in behind her seeing the gruesome scene:: ” shit”
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 05/07/2024 10:04 PM
+Mercutio+ Liski to Captain Crow….we have a problem.