Chapter 1 - Kobayashi Maru
Featuring ...
Millie paused as she approached the holodecks, her dance bag draped over her shoulder. Emma sat cross-legged in the doorway arch to holodeck 3, unmoving and unblinking. Once she sensed the movement from Millie, however, she turned her head, the rest of her body staying motionless. Millie smiled. “Good morning, Emma.” She glanced to the doorway behind the pink-haired hologram. “Is…everything alright?”
The rest of Emma’s body seemed to connect in movement as she turned to glance over her shoulder. “Statzia is undergoing one of her command training modules. It is her Kobayashi maru.”
“I see.” Millie gave a gentle smile. “Is there a reason you are posted outside of the holodeck while she’s in the simulation?”
“I want to ensure that she is not interrupted.” Emma looked back at the counselor, giving a shrug. “She did not tell Chief K’Naut that she would be in this simulation today. I was…” Emma paused, thinking for a brief moment. “The Chief had– has an uncanny way of sensing…or smelling if Statzia is in distress. If the Chief and his bond interrupt her program, it may invalidate her assessment.” Emma seemed to play with the sleeve of her uniform–a movement that seemed uniquely human.
Millie nodded, moving to sit on the floor next to Emma. “You think this assessment will be difficult for her?”
Emma seemed to consider for a moment. “Statzia told me that she beat the simulation when she was in the Academy. Instead of losing her crew in battle, she was able to stop the altercation before it began.” Her gaze went from the counselor to the floor. “She was not so lucky on her first command mission.”
Millie nodded thoughtfully, folding her gloved hands in her lap. “Are you concerned about her passing the assessment.”
“Yes.” Emma’s answer came quickly. “I peeked at the code after she started the program.” She put up a hand, anticipating Millie’s response. “I did not tamper with or alter her program. I just…peeked.” Emma gave a sigh. “The program uses crew members she has become close with. You, Patricia Crow, the Chief–”
“Ah,” Millie said in understanding. “And she will likely be forced into scenarios–”
“I am concerned how she will react if she has to see her Bondmate die.” Once again, Emma spoke quickly. She let out a nervous breath, tugging on the hem of a sleeve. “I do not want to see her–”
Millie gently placed a hand on Emma’s knee. “You are a good friend, Emma.” She gave a reassuring smile. “One of the things that makes someone a good leader is knowing that they have the support of their friends and crew, especially when things are tough and the mission doesn’t go well. She will need good people to rely on.”
Emma placed a hang on Millie’s, giving the hand a squeeze. “I know.” Emma paused. “You…don’t have to stay here. It looks like you had plans–”
Millie returned the squeeze. “Plans can wait. I can sit here with you until her simulation is over.”
The two women leaned back against opposite sides of the archway, quietly waiting for the holodeck program to complete.