Chapter 5 - An Unfriendly Face
Featuring ...
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:13 PM
So an old ship with new guns, coming to visit an out of the way world. ::stands:::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:13 PM
I don’t suppose the Klingon Empire would keep track of derelict ships…
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:13 PM
they might I could check
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:13 PM
Or at least a record of them…
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:14 PM
Very odd that an old ship would have new guns if they were here in .. a nice way.
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:14 PM
Klingons usually wouldn’t waste new tech like that, would they?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:15 PM
no klingons would stick to the old tech
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:15 PM
Not on a relic.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:15 PM
Can we tell if the new gun are typically used by Klingons?
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:17 PM
OPS> The ship is breaking orbit, conducting long range scans.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:17 PM
It’s Klingon tech, for sure. Klingon vessels aren’t known for being comparable with other technology.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 06/18/2024 9:17 PM
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:17 PM
::Keeps an eye on them::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:17 PM
It is a shame we don’t have cloaking capabilities…
::nods to Liski::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:19 PM
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:20 PM
Shields up
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:20 PM
Standing by. ::Quietly::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:20 PM
Let’s hit the road.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:21 PM
Aye sir. Hitting the road. ::Immediately moves them out of the way.::
And trying to figure out where they’ll be heading.
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:21 PM
OPS> I believe they detected the cargo we took on. They must know it very well to fine tune their sensrors for a chemical makeup.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:22 PM
::Keeps them moving in an erratic pattern::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:23 PM
looks at the view screen
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:23 PM
I’d feel a lot better if we knew where it was.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:24 PM
Me too, I don’t want to bump into it!
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:24 PM
OPS> Sir, we’re receiving a hail, audio only.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:24 PM
Play it
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:25 PM
OPS> Channel open.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:25 PM
:: primes her system for weapons readiness… just in case::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:25 PM
Woman> I believe you have something that belongs to me.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:25 PM
::Watches for anything that can show where they are::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:26 PM
Woman> Mistakes happen, if you return it, you can go on your way.
::looks to Edra:: She don’t sound Klingon. ::quietly::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:27 PM
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 06/18/2024 9:28 PM
Mistakes? Like it not functioning the way it was promised? :: whispers::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:28 PM
saying softly “she dont look Klingon”
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:29 PM
This is Captain Cro……
Woman> I know who you are, Captain.
Then you have me at a disadvantage.
Woman> More than you know.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:29 PM
::shakes her head in agreement::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:30 PM
Woman> We’re on a mercy mission and require the medication you beamed aboard from Lanax. Will you comply?
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:31 PM
Show yourself.
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:31 PM
Woman> Now we see who wears the pants on the Bridge, eh?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:31 PM
::Quirks an eyebrow, wondering where they are, and who they really are.::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:32 PM
:: looks down:: Don’t we all wear pants?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:32 PM
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:32 PM
If that’s what works for you, sure.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 06/18/2024 9:32 PM
Human expression, Commander.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:32 PM
::moves the ship again, not wanting to stay in one spot long enough for any kind of weapons lock::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:34 PM
Oh. :: pauses:: A female on Ferenginar wouldn’t have worn any pants at all.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:34 PM
::stops for a moment, looking at Henry with a glance at Ops to mute the comms::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:34 PM
OPS> Com muted.
She knows us…..
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:35 PM
It’s a human expression alright…used to refer to married couples. She knows who we are…?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:35 PM
I dont remember every running in to her before
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:35 PM
The voice doesn’t ring any bells.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:35 PM
For me neither..
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:36 PM
Woman> Captain, I’m waiting.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:36 PM
Can we run it through some sort of identifying program or filter to see if it’s been altered?
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:36 PM
::motions to OPS::: As my XO said, if you want to deal, then let’s do it face to face.
Woman> ::sigh:: Fine.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:37 PM
:: at tactical:: On it.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:37 PM
::Keeps the ship moving, but watches the screen. ::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:37 PM
Kona> ::appears on screen::: Now, about my cargo.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:38 PM
::adjusts herself in her seat::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:38 PM
What kind of mercy mission needs to sedate 30,000 people?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:38 PM
::Frowns, sure that she’s seen this person before somewhere.::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:39 PM
Kona> A classified one.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 06/18/2024 9:39 PM
Classified with whom?
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:39 PM
Kona> People you don’t even know exist, Counselor.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:39 PM
::Then mentally shrugs on the grounds that many years flying puddle jumpers means that you see a lot of people come and go::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:40 PM
Why shouldn’t I just dump this off at the nearest Starbase?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:40 PM
thinking the woman looks familar
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:40 PM
Kona> Because you value your family too much.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:40 PM
I mean, I probably know a way to turn a pretty profit with–
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:40 PM
We’re working with threats now?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:40 PM
::Murmurs:: Family?
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:41 PM
Kona> Not a threat, a promise. Do you think I don’t know you’ve been cobbling together breakcrumbs?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:41 PM
Oof… it’s a good thing your daughter-in-law isn’t on bridge duty.
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:42 PM
Kona> I could blow you out of the stars right now and you’d never see it coming, but I’m offering you a way out.
Why would you do that?
Kona> Professional curtesy.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 06/18/2024 9:42 PM
She wouldn’t. Not with her cargo aboard.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:43 PM
whats to stop her from blowing us out of the stars anyway
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:43 PM
::Doubles down on trying to find them to avoid them::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:43 PM
I could just have my Bondmate put it through the recycler.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:44 PM
::frowns, thoughts running through her head::
Even if her visage doesn’t, something about the woman seems familiar….
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:45 PM
Kona> Captain, you have stumbled on something here that you don’t need to be invovled with. It happens, I know, but you have the chance to remove yourself and your crew from the bullseye.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:45 PM
Why change the habit of a lifetime? ::Muttered::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:47 PM
I see your point. I need a few minutes to discuss with my officers.
This invovles them too/
Kona> Two minutes, out of courtesy.
OPS> Channel cut Sir.
Okay we have two minutes. What do we know about this woman?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:49 PM
She seems familiar. Is she in the database somewhere?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 06/18/2024 9:49 PM
I’m running her through image recognition now.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:49 PM
She’s not as badass as she wants us to think…she’s giving us way too many chances
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:49 PM
” shes bluffing she cant do what she says she can
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:49 PM
If she could take the cargo she would have by now. Tells me her transport tech isn’t as advanced.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 06/18/2024 9:49 PM
We can’t let her have that serum. It’s… too dangerous.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:50 PM
I agree who know what her intentions for it are
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:50 PM
We need to mask the signature of that cargo so we can’t be tracked.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:51 PM
We could put them in a transporter buffer
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:51 PM
::Quietly:: How does she know so much about us?
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:51 PM
A question for another day….hopefully.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:52 PM
” maybe shes scanning our personell files
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 06/18/2024 9:52 PM
Or has access to a Starfleet database.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:52 PM
Neither of those are good thoughts.
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:53 PM
Helm, set a course for the nearest Starbase.
Let’s put the cargo in the buffer.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:53 PM
Aye sir, bugging out to the nearest Starbase. Any particular speed?
::ready to go since she had this one plotted a while ago in case it was needed::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:54 PM
Fast as she’ll go.
On my mark.
Kona> Your two minutes are up, Captain.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:54 PM
::Nods to show that she is ready since Kona is back on the screen::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:55 PM
Prepare for transport.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:55 PM
::Finger hovers::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:56 PM
::nods to Ops, but is talking to Nuhl:: Now.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:56 PM
::as unnecessary as it is, she holds on to her seat::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:56 PM
::takes them to max speed in a dizzying corkscrew move and sends them on their way to the starbase::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:56 PM
holds on to her seat as well
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:56 PM
::Quietly:: Wheeeeeeee!
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:57 PM
:::lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding::: Well done.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:57 PM
Manages a smirk at Kerwen’s comment::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:57 PM
exhails* “whew”
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 06/18/2024 9:58 PM
Paranoia works. ::She grins, delighted to be flying at this speed::
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:58 PM
This won’t wont be the last we see of her….or them, whoever them is.
But we’ll see what the Brass thinks about this cargo and maybe they know more about her.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 06/18/2024 9:59 PM
but we seem to have out foxed them for now
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 06/18/2024 9:59 PM
She doesn’t look familiar, but her mannerisms are…
Cpt H Crow — 06/18/2024 9:59 PM
::nod, but not has happy as he’d hope::: For now.