Chapter 7 - Blessed Are the Peacemakers pt 2

Featuring ...

Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:04 PM
walks into the conference room for the security briefing
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:05 PM
::::Already in the room, talking to Patricia near the viewport. Both being very careful in giving off any body language:::
Patricia Crow
— 07/16/2024 9:06 PM
::only giving nods or slight shrugs::
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:06 PM
:::notices Constance enter::: Thank you for coming up so quickly.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:07 PM
::Waiting to hear their orders, so she can start figuring out the best routes.::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:07 PM
“Your welcome sir”
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:07 PM
:::goes to sit:::
Patricia Crow
— 07/16/2024 9:07 PM
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:08 PM
((We haven’t beamed down, right?))
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:08 PM
::taps, panel bringing in Edra and Millie and K’naut during a break in the negotiations via satelite or whatever we’d call it in the future:::
(no, wer’e on ship)
(was Millie on the @ team?)
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:09 PM
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:09 PM
(You’re planetside with edra)
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:10 PM
(Yes, with K’Naut, and Chance)
Lt K’Naut, Chief Engr — 07/16/2024 9:10 PM
::lAAte, but here::
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:11 PM
I have asked Chief Stewart to return to the ship for this briefing because we’re going to have to consider how to respond to a situation and it’d best for her to get what she needs before heading back down to the planet.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:11 PM
::from the feed:: What’s goin on?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:12 PM
::Glancces up at the screen, then straightens and watches::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:12 PM
stands at the side of the room watching the Captain
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:13 PM
As negotiations were underway, we detected a detonation on the other side of the planet and sensors are picking up on toxic chemicals following the explosion. It appears that the Valakians staged a raid on a Menk village and somehow, a chemical weapon explosion occurred killing everyone, nearly four hundred.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:14 PM
:: standing behind Edra, rubbing the bridge of her nose::
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:14 PM
Its not a global danger, by any means.
But both sides are likely to ramp up.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:14 PM
::Closes her eyes for a moment:: That’s.. still terrible. Are we going in to get people out?
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:15 PM
Is there any indication this was preplanned?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:15 PM
We are being put in the unenviable position of enforcing a seperation of these two groups until things settle to avoid further incidents.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:15 PM
That may be why they just called for a recess.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:15 PM
No there is no indications of that.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:16 PM
but how did the chemicals end up in the Menk village
Patricia Crow
— 07/16/2024 9:16 PM
Seems most likely that the Menk had been working on something and they either blew it up on purpose or by accident.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:16 PM
Which will not make the Valakarians feel any better about sharing a world with a group who was working on a chemical weapon.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:17 PM
this will just cause futher distrust
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:17 PM
Was there any indication before that they were building something like that?
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:17 PM
:: looks to K’Naut:: We may be able to have our engineering team take a look– after it’s been environmentally cleared, of course
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:17 PM
And they’ll use the ineptitude to continue their rule over the Menk
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:18 PM
No, no one seems to have known about that.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:18 PM
do they have more is what im worried about
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:19 PM
Exactly and that is the concern.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:19 PM
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:19 PM
::nods:: that’s a good question.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:19 PM
How have the negotiations gone thus far?
Lt K’Naut, Chief Engr — 07/16/2024 9:19 PM
Certainly, so long as its clear.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:20 PM
Pretty much as expected so far. Nothing extremely dividing before now. Just standard pushback for certain line items.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:21 PM
this is gonna push negotions back for sure
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:21 PM
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:21 PM
We may see different results once we come back from this break, given this new information.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:22 PM
What line items?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:22 PM
Starfleet is concerned this might cause for a direct conflict. If that happens the Menk cannot resist the technological advantage the Valakarians have.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:22 PM
::Looks across at them, curious::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:23 PM
but if the Menk can produce toxic chemicals maybe even worse with out tech
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:23 PM
We need to get the representatives to agree to keep moving forward, despite the event
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:23 PM
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:25 PM
We are going to adjust orbit over the site of the blast and see if we can reconstruct what happened.
If anything happens to make you feel unsafe down there, beam back immediately.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:26 PM
::Nods and starts to plot the course in her head, plus all the bug-out routes::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:26 PM
::to Kerwin: the Valakarians don’t want to give up strategic sites or other advantages, while the Menk don’t want any action that doesn’t move them forward.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:26 PM
So, standard stuff indeed.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:27 PM
Chief Stewart, I’d like you to prepare a tactical squad incase we have to forcibly extract the away team.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:27 PM
::nods:: will there be any interference from the other side of the planet?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:28 PM
I wouldn’t expect it. This is a nerve agent, nothing that would interfere with transporters
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:29 PM
::looks behind her then back towards the feed:: I think word just made it here.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:29 PM
“Aye sir”
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:30 PM
There’s some buzzing about, but no disturbances yet.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:31 PM
::Narrows eyes::
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:31 PM
If you need the team, give us some kind of code word.
Patricia Crow
— 07/16/2024 9:31 PM
Orion. ::absently:::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:31 PM
::raises a brow, but nods:: Orion
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:32 PM
Alright, be safe.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:32 PM
::nods again:: Edra, out.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:32 PM
Valakarian> :::approached Edra::: Commander, they’re ready for you. ::seems edgy:::
Alright folks, let’s get to work.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:33 PM
Thank you. I expect there’s news.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:33 PM
Valakarian> ::Leads Edra, Millie, and K’Naut back to the room:::
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:33 PM
Understood, Patricia.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:35 PM
(If/when you’re planetside, add Negotiations to your server profile name so it’s easy to distinguish who’s away)
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:36 PM
Hang back. :::to Patricia:::
Patricia Crow
— 07/16/2024 9:36 PM
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:37 PM
::enters the conference room ahead of the Merc team and returns to her previous position:: is everyone aware of the breaking news?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:37 PM
:::@ The Menk are no longer in the room:::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:37 PM
::Fiddles with her fingers, itching to go plot the course into her console, but waits for the command to get on with it. ::
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:38 PM
It would seem they do.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:38 PM
Valakarian> We are.
You can move us, Nuhl. :: grin:::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:39 PM
::notices the empty half of the table:: Could someone find the Menk representatives?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:39 PM
Oh thank you! ::Grins and stands to head to the bridge:: I do my best thinking when driving, so to speak.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:39 PM
Valakarians> They are currently being interviewed about the terrorist attack they perpatrated against our security forces.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/16/2024 9:40 PM
heads to security as she taps her come badge +this is Stewart to tac team delta be on standby in cause we are needed on the ships surface Ill be their in a min to brief you +
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:40 PM
::tries not to show the nervousness she feels at the entire side’s absence::
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:40 PM
Valakarian> Given the attack, we would like your ship to help us root out the rest of the terrorist elements.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:41 PM
::nods to the person who had been covering Helm and slides into the seat when they move away. Within moments, the ship is en route.::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:42 PM
::sighs:: These are peace negotiations. Your people need to release the Menk immediately. We are not here to facilitate a witch hunt.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:42 PM
:::looks to Patricia:: What do you think?
Patricia Crow
— 07/16/2024 9:42 PM
I think we’re being drawn into something that does not benefit Starfleet and yet they’re keeping us here.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:43 PM
Valakarian> They killed over a hundred of our people. They could have more bombs.
::slight nod, walks out with her to the bridge:::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:43 PM
The ambassadors did not kill anyone. They need to be released before we continue on.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:44 PM
::Adjusts the speed slightly so they can get to the blast site a little sooner::
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:44 PM
Valakarian> ::nods to one of the others, who goes out of the room and returns with the Menk a few minutes later:::
Menk> ::look shook::
When we arrive over the spot, let’s scan for the toxin and see if we can do anything about it.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:46 PM
::lets the Menk situate themselves before addressing them.:: you’re aware of the events of the last hour?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:46 PM
Menk> We have been told there was an explosion.
Valakarian> A terrorist attack. You used a chemical agent.
Menk> We…we have been working on expanding our scientific knowledge, but it is not perfect.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:47 PM
::holds a hand up to the Valakarians::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:47 PM
Should be there in a few moments Captain. I’ll slow us down to get the best amount of time for sensors.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:48 PM
Science> Captain, depending on the type and dispersion, we might be able to use the phasers to burn it up in the air.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:48 PM
Let’s hold off on the rhetoric for the moment. ::looks to Millie to hand the Menk a PADD with the current information: :
Lt K’Naut, Chief Engr — 07/16/2024 9:49 PM
::muttering to self:: I’ve heard that scientific progress can make a variety of sounds…
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:49 PM
Our engineering team would be more than happy to take a look at the explosion site, once we deem it’s safe to approach.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:51 PM
Oh that’s a good idea.
::Adjusts course slightly. ::
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:53 PM
Valakarian> I do not understand you people. We bring you here to talk sense into these inferiors, they attack us, and you still shield your eyes from their treachery.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:53 PM
While the Menk are looking over the current report, which is identical to the Valakarians’ report, and–let’s remember all this information is imperfect and still developing. None of us know the full story yet.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 9:53 PM
:: adjusts her gloves:: Either way, for the sake of diplomacy, I think it would be wise to continue to discuss while the site is being deemed safe to approach.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:53 PM
Menk> This village was one of our research areas.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:53 PM
Slowing down… make the most of it.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:54 PM
Valakarian> One of?! Where are the other bombs?
Menk> They are not bombs, they are experiments. As I said, we are still learning.
Science> I am picking up the toxin now, seems like a form of chlorine. We can burn it up to dissipate it.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:55 PM
Talk sense to ‘inferiors’? We were under the impression this was a peace negotiation, where both sides come together and contribute to an understanding. Am I wrong?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:55 PM
Valakarian> They have contributed one hundred deaths.
Menk> According to this, four hundred including our own people. ::looks to Edra:: I will admit, perhaps we do not understand what we are trying to deal with.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:56 PM
::Adjusts again to create a series of clear passes across the area::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 9:56 PM
::to the Valakarian representative:: what was your purpose here today?
Before these events?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:57 PM
::nod:: Let’s clean it up then.
Tactical> ::taps:: Phasers ready.
::::the merc begins to burn up the chemicial traces:::
Valakarian> My purpose was to correct the mistakes your Captain Archer began long ago. Starfleet owes us our world back.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 9:58 PM
Hopefully this will give us some leeway with the locals. What uses chlorine that they were making?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 9:58 PM
Science> 90…..95…..98.1% eliminated. The rest will fade with the air.
Science> I’d have to see their notes and procedures to answer that.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 10:00 PM
Could you clarify? What do you mean by being owed it back?
Lt K’Naut, Chief Engr — 07/16/2024 10:00 PM
::muttering again:: Archer…what a screwup…
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 10:00 PM
Another pass to get some more information?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:00 PM
Valakarian> We have been forced to live with these…..people. Starfleet upturned our society.
Yes, let’s collect all we can.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 10:02 PM
Aye sir.
::Watches the console, wincing slightly at the information that scrolls on it::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:04 PM
::looks at both sides, concluding that someone, somewhere, gave the wrong information.:: So, and I’m just trying to clarify…::looks to the Menk:: did you come here today to try to create a peace treaty with the Valakarians?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:04 PM
Are there any other heavy traces of this chlorine on the planet?
Science> ::tap;:: Four places match that kind of concentration.
Menk> My people wish to live in peace, but we also wish to protect ourselves.
Lt K’Naut, Chief Engr — 07/16/2024 10:05 PM
Archer did the best that he could. Your world had already been compromised by contact with offworlders. He didn’t want to exacerbate the situation.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:05 PM
So, were you hoping to work towards a peace treaty?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 10:05 PM
Four? Do you want me to head across them?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:06 PM
Menk> ::nod::
Valakarian> How can we live with someone who seeks peace with death?
Hold position. +Edra+ Commander, sorry to interrupt, but we have an update on the global situation.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:09 PM
::nods, then turns to the Valakarians, ignoring their retort:: we were told that today’s goal was to begin working towards an agreement between you two peoples. Is that what you came here for today?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 10:09 PM
Holding position.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:09 PM
::holds a hand up:: +Henry+ standby.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:10 PM
Valakarian> We seek societal harmony as we knew it.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:10 PM
Excuse me a moment. ::walks away from the table:: +Henry+ whatve you got?
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 10:11 PM
:: folding her hands in front of her:: I do not think that you will be able to return to the society that you knew before. Societies adapt and change. They grow and evolve.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:12 PM
+We analyzed the toxin, a form of chlorine, and we have eliminated 98% of it from the atmosphere. We have detected four more heavy concentrations of it, not exploded yet.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:13 PM
+any indication of intention? (w)
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:13 PM
+Probably the same reason they were in the exploded village.
Menk> ::looks to the Valakarian::: You are a parent, as am I. I want my child…our children to know peace and friendship. I believe todays accident was due to our ineptitude. Will you teach us your knowledge so we do not have further accidents?
Valakarian> So you can use them against us?
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:14 PM
+do we know what that was?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:14 PM
Menk> So we can make your….our united world better.
+You’d have to ask the Menk.
Valakarian> You would need to share your bom….research sites.
Menk> :::nod:::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:15 PM
+they are adamant it was a developmental accident. No terrorism purpose on their part
+where are the other sites?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 10:16 PM
::Watches the screen while the conversation continues::
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 10:16 PM
How many sites do you have?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:16 PM
Menk> Four.
+There’s one about 100 KMs east of you, and the others within 25 KMs of that
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:18 PM
+understood. Anything else I should know?
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 10:18 PM
:: nods:: What were you hoping to discover with your experiments? :: glances to K’Naut:: I’m sure our science and engineering teams can also help ensure those sites are safe.
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:19 PM
+We’re standing by if you need us.
Menk> We are new to chemical science. We seek knowledge and to be as smart as them.
(find end points)
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/16/2024 10:20 PM
::comes back to conversation without vitriol…looks to Millie:: what’d you say to them?
Cpt H Crow — 07/16/2024 10:21 PM
Valakarian> We can teach you.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/16/2024 10:21 PM
::Glances back over her shoulder.:: Captain? Are we going to take a look at the other sites?
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/16/2024 10:21 PM
:: smiles:: I think this is a good first step.