Chapter 8 - Virtual Learning
Featuring ...
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:09 PM
Speaker> Thank you all, for this session we’ll be going over the finer points of the new format which has been approved for duty logs.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:10 PM
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:11 PM
I’m not even in Starfleet, why am I here?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:11 PM
If I have to be, you have to be.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:11 PM
::Is making subtle faces at one of her friends at another table, who in turn is making small motions towards another pal nearby. The entire conversation seems to be ‘Your room or mine for drinks later?’ followed by, ‘Wait until you hear what happened with Joanly.’ ::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:11 PM
::watching the speaker with a PADD in front of her, stylus in hand to take notes::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:11 PM
<quietly> Are we there yet?
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:12 PM
::her expression shows how much she thinks of that, picking at the small white carton with the chopsticks::
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:12 PM
(Remote conference, right?)
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:12 PM
(yes, we’re in the holodeck, tied in with dozens of other ships and SFHQ)
At least with a normal conference we get some shore leave. Someone, somehow, found out this was more “economical”.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:13 PM
::to Kerwen:: at the end? No, but I wish…
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:13 PM
sitting at her crew table her officers are with her two of them are horseing around she gives them a look and settles down “feels like im dealing with a couple of kids sometimes”
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:13 PM
::slight eyeroll::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:13 PM
:: her fingers adjust the ear cuff, which she’d donned for the purpose of the conference::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:14 PM
Speaker> Now. I know, many of you are thinking why does the position of the semicolon matter? Funny you should ask.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:14 PM
it would make meeting up with friends a lot easier. ::Winks and grins::
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:15 PM
:: mutters quietly:: remember what happened last time we went to a conference?
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:15 PM
<whispers> funny is not the word I’d use..
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:16 PM
::head resting on his hand:: I used to skip classes like this in the academy.
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:16 PM
Was that the time Caressa was kidnapped?
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:16 PM
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:16 PM
Yeah. That time.
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:16 PM
What I’d give for some action.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:16 PM
pays attention to the speaker
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:17 PM
::glances at the speaker, and then softly groans::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:17 PM
Oof…maybe I am glad this isn’t in person this time
Dr. Chance Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:18 PM
:looks at Trisha: maybe later?
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:18 PM
:::gives her husband a little grin:::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:18 PM
::Glances at the other ‘table’. ::
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:18 PM
:: nods:: Last conference, I wound up being shot in the back. I can see why they are trying a virtual conference. For security reasons.
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:19 PM
::could have done without that, glances around::: Technology has come a long way though.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:19 PM
:: raises her eyebrow at the counselor:: We really need to have a talk about how much you are put in the line of fire.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:20 PM
::nods:: I had a similar experience. we haven’t had great luck with conferences…maybe this is the way to go…
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:21 PM
I disagree. Conferences are where hugging friends happens.
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:21 PM
::leans back in his chair:: Well if this isn’t your kind of excitement, next hour is a round table of engineers talking about how to reroute systems in a more efficient manner.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:22 PM
::Looks faintly horrified::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:22 PM
Isn’t there a med track?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:22 PM
I think that’s after lunch.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:22 PM
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:22 PM
:: gestures with her head towards Patricia:: That’s all her fault.
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:22 PM
What’d I do?
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:23 PM
Weapons training.
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:23 PM
Oh…well, yea I guess that is my fault.
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:24 PM
:::A Lieutenant from the USS Reynolds shushes our table:::
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:24 PM
::shows that Lieutenant that her ship is #1::::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:24 PM
Let’s not start a brawl in here.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:25 PM
::tunes back in to the speaker…for about 27 seconds and groans:: how is this not an email training? ::kinda quietly::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:25 PM
chuckles at Patrica
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:25 PM
::Goes back to making faces at her pals::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:26 PM
::leans over to Edra and whispers:: Do you remember that training we had to go to way back when? The one where we had the table near the door and slipped out early and explored who had the better suite?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:27 PM
::Starts people watching::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:28 PM
::has to reach back kinda far, but finally remembers and grins:: yeah…I definitely lucked out on rooms that session.
::whispers:: I think we’ll be noticed tho, if we try that again.
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:30 PM
::::The audio of the simulation begins to wobble, before correcting itself:::
Maybe they ought to get one of those engineers from next hour to fix it.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:31 PM
::Looks back at the speaker::
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:31 PM
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:31 PM
Is that us, or them?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:31 PM
“sounds like technical diffaculty
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:31 PM
::frowns at her food container, setting it on the table:: I’ll…uh, be back. ::gets up, heading out the “doors” of the ballroom::::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:32 PM
::watches her go, looks back to the speaker::: Probably their end.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:32 PM
:: watches Patricia go::
Dr. Chance Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:32 PM
::stands:: I…uh…better go make sure she’s okay…::ducks out::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:33 PM
::Watches Patricia, then turns back to the speaker:: <q> Are we on to full stops yet?
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:33 PM
::looks from Chance to Henry, brow raised::
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:33 PM
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:33 PM
:: shrug:::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:34 PM
You’re actually listening?
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:34 PM
<q> I’ve been on full stop for the last 10 min…
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:34 PM
Speaker> And if that wasn’t great news, I can tell you a little secret. Each ship’s department will have its own personalized conference on a month basis! Sharing the newest and best techniques.
Oh hooray.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:35 PM
::Looks horrified again::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:36 PM
says quietly “oh Joy”
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:36 PM
<q> riiight…cause we have nothing better to do.
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:37 PM
::re-enters with Chance, a little pale:: I miss anything?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:37 PM
We all get to do this every month.
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:37 PM
Like hell.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:38 PM
::giggles under her breath::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:38 PM
::More audio wobbles, this time the speaker’s holographic form is distorted, then snaps back into shape:::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:38 PM
if it’s their end, they’ve got something going on.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — 07/30/2024 9:38 PM
… I won’t have enough sessions in my schedule to deal with all of you if they implement this…
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:38 PM
::soounds certain::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:38 PM
Don’t worry I won’t show up.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:39 PM
“What the hell”
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:39 PM
::raises a brow at the glitch:: their ppl should really be on top of this::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:40 PM
:: stands and steps to the edge of the ballroom:: +bridge+ Liski to bridge. We seem to be encountering some communications interference with the conference.
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:40 PM
:::One by one, all the other crews at the other tables begin to go poof, finally the speaker’s deus does the same, then the entire program ends leaving the highlighted square walls of the holo deck:::
Well….I think that means it’s time for lunch.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:41 PM
looks around “oh well”
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:41 PM
Thank God.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:41 PM
Was rather abrupt…but maybe I shouldn’t complain
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:41 PM
+bridge+ Amend that. We’ve lost the conference entirely.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:42 PM
“Oh No”
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:42 PM
Bridge+ Understood. Seems the transmission disconnected.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:42 PM
*being sarcastic
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:42 PM
Let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth. ::motioning for the door:::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:43 PM
“Im with you sir” * gets up to head for the door*
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:43 PM
Does this mean we’re done for the day?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:43 PM
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:44 PM
::stands and stretches:: food sounds wonderful. I’m thinking a nice big hasperat…
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:44 PM
Good. Because I was going to suggest we find out if they’re OK. But they must be. Nobody can be that bored, right?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:44 PM
+Bridge+ Captain to the Bridge.
That sounds ominous. +Coming
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:45 PM
I’ll head up to the bridge and check with coms and tactical– or just follow the Captain.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:45 PM
::stops at the request and sighs before following him:: me too
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:46 PM
:::arrives on the bridge::: Report
LT Michaels> We have received a distress call. A freighter says they’re under attack by an unknown enemy. They say their shields will fail within the hour.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:47 PM
::stays at the doorway, leaning against the wall::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:48 PM
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:48 PM
::heads for the bridge::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:48 PM
:: steps over to tactical::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:48 PM
Michaels> No, Sir, it’s actually an Andorian ship.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:48 PM
::pushes off from the wall, heading for her seat:: what’s their location?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:48 PM
::sits in the chair:: This close to the border, that’s unusual.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 07/30/2024 9:49 PM
Heads up to the bridge and goes to her station in case
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:49 PM
Michaels> :::puts it on screen:: About an hour at standard warp.
Then let’s make it more than standard, right Lieutentant? ::to Kerwin::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:51 PM
::Nods to the officer at the helm and sits down::
On it sir. Faster than standard.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:51 PM
What do we know about the freighter?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:52 PM
Send a message to the nearest Klingon outpost and see if they have any information or have picked anything up on sensors.
Michaels> On it.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:52 PM
::inputs the route and doesn’t wait for a ‘go’ to take them to warp. Faster than standard also means not waiting::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:52 PM
Michaels> Not much. Andorian, crew of twenty-seven. Hauling ore from Denzite III.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 07/30/2024 9:53 PM
They say what ore they’re hauling?
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:53 PM
Michaels> No.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:54 PM
How long before we get there?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:55 PM
::Grins:: About twenty minutes.
Cdr Edra Crow – Negotiations — 07/30/2024 9:55 PM
::single nod::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 07/30/2024 9:55 PM
::Has that delighted smile on her face as she pushes the engines, without straining the engines::
Cpt H Crow — 07/30/2024 9:56 PM
(last lines)
Patricia Crow
— 07/30/2024 9:57 PM
:::gets in the TL, feeling awful and finally not having to hide it now that they’re alone, tabs the button for their deck with her finger, and doesn’t notice the small flicker of the bottom corner of a black square when she does:::