Chapter 4 - A Personal Request
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Henry sat at his desk and looked at the young man who stood before him. “Alright, what do you need to tell me?”
The young engineer seemed unsure for a moment. “When we get to this planet, you’re going to send down an away team.”
“No kidding.”
The engineer was undeterred. “They’re going to be ambushed by Kona. She figures out what we’re doing and outsmarts you. The away team will be taken captive, and you will lead a secondary team.”
Henry watched him in silence for a moment before speaking. “Why are you telling me this? Aren’t you supposed to keep this stuff a secret?”
“All I ask is that you make an alteration.”
The young man produced a small flat disc from his pocket and put it on the desk. “This is a personal force field which covers about one foot by one foot. Put it on your sternum.”
“You’re giving me some kind of future tech….why?”
The young man straightened. “Because a long time ago, someone taught me what happens when you take shortcuts.”
Henry didn’t get it…until he did. He slowly rose from his chair and stared at the young man with curly blonde hair and blue eyes.
“Please,” said the young man before turning and walking back to the bridge.
Henry picked up the disc and debated what to do.