Chapter 1 - The Best Laid Plans 1

Featuring ...

Millie laughed, graciously accepting an hug from a young patron in a festive holiday dress. Her cheeks were still rosy with the stage makeup from the closing performance of the Nutcracker, with her dancing in the role of Clara. Giving a farewell to the patron, she searched the room for her mother. She spotted her, surrounded by ballet attenders. Tonight was her mother’s final performance, her solo as the Sugar Plum Fairy earning her a rousing ovation with each performance. 


Millie made her way through the crowd, pausing several times to receive praise and congratulations. Her mother spotted her crossing the room and excused herself, making her way to meet Millie. They threw their arms around each other, both laughing. 


“You were brilliant, маленькая танцовщица!” Verochka held Millie at arms length, looking over her teenage daughter. “You were captivating!” She planted a kiss on each of Millie’s cheeks. 


“You were breathtaking, Mama!” Millie returned the kisses. “I have never seen you more radiant!”


He approached mother and daughter, bouquets in each hand. “Both of you created a masterpiece this evening”, he said with a smile and offered each a bouquet of blue flowers.


“Mister James!” Millie gave a warm smile to the man who was patron to both her and her mother. “I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight!” She took the bouquet, bringing them to her nose to smell. 


“How could I miss it? One of the proudest nights in the history of this building.”


“A fitting end to my twenty year career, if I may be so bold as to say so.” Verochka smiled warmly, her fingers tracing over the delicate blue petals. She looked up at him, her expression glowing. “I’m glad you were able to be here to see it.”


“Nothing could have kept me away. It’s a big night but it’s just getting started. I’ll let you two meet your audience then we’ll celebrate.”


Seeing Millie’s inquiring look, Verochka placed a hand on the man’s elbow. “Since Mister James was going to be so far from home on Christmas Eve, I’ve invited him to spend it with us.” 


Millie smiled. “I’m so glad! Nobody should be alone at Christmas. Will you come to midnight mass with us tonight? The Orthodox calendar is a little different, and Christmas for us is in another couple of weeks, but we always go to Christmas Eve mass at Saints Peter and Paul. I think they have the most beautiful choir in the whole city.”


James smiled at the girl. “I’ve never been the religious type, but I would be honored to accompany you.” His eyes slid to Verochka, almost spilling his surprise then and there.


Millie caught the glance between her mother and the man who had been her mother’s patron for most of her dancing career. Millie had suspected for several years that Mister James had feelings for her mother, but her mother had always brushed aside the idea of romance any time Millie asked. But as she’d gotten older, she’d noticed how flowers would arrive in her mother’s dressing room before each performance, how little parcels would arrive just in time for birthdays, and how Millie would wake up every Christmas morning to find a couple of extra packages under the tree for her and her mother. Perhaps tonight, she should drop a hint to her mother about spending more time with Mister James now that she was retired. Her mother deserved to be happy– and she saw how the little gifts that would arrive from their patron made her smile. 


“How about–” Millie gave a mischievous grin, “I take these flowers upstairs and put them in water.” She took her mother’s bouquet. “I’ll get our coats and meet you at the transport in a few minutes.”


James took her mother’s arm lightly as Millie ran off for a final errand. “So there is something I’ve wanted to discuss with you.”