Chapter 58 - Worst Fears

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Patricia opened her eyes and stretched large. With one eye she spied the time, 1000 hours. Normally she didn’t sleep quite so late but the house was quiet. Chance had a morning shift and Kieren had stayed over with Marcus to do whatever boys do. She didn’t know and wasn’t sure she wanted to. She slowly sat up and something felt different but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She traversed to the bathroom, got freshened up and took care of impending business and exited back into the bedroom to choose some comfy clothes for the day when it hit her.
She couldn’t feel the baby.
Her hands immediately went to her right side where she’d become so accustomed to feeling the pressure. Panic set in. She didn’t waste time, slipping into some slide-in shoes and heading out the door in her pajamas. A few minutes later she entered Sickbay and spotted Nurse Hawthorne. “Where’s my husband?”
The nurse never looked up from her daily scheduling. “He’s not here, he’s up with your fat…the Captain for a meeting about the upcoming refit. I can give him a message.” When Patricia didn’t answer the nurse raised her eyes and saw the panic. “What’s wrong sweetie?”