Chapter 1 - Flashes of Anger
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:09 PM
::Gets ready to bring them out of warp on time::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:09 PM
::steps off the turbolift, PADD in hand::
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:09 PM
:::The Mercutio drops out of warp at a safe distance from the new Class O star, which glows with a dark blue hue. It has been registered by Starfleet as O3-4113.::::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:09 PM
::Caressa stopped in front of the Captain’s quarters to check on her patient, she stood and waiting to be allowed to enter::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:09 PM
And… done. Here we be.
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:09 PM
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:10 PM
::Runs a quick check on the safest spot to be in::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:10 PM
::She walked in to the living area:: “So how are we doing today?”
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 04/25/2023 9:10 PM
Patricia Crow
— 04/25/2023 9:10 PM
::swivels in her chair, looking at the viewscreen:: Kinda pretty.
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:11 PM
Getting a little cabin fever. I’m ready for duty.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 04/25/2023 9:11 PM
*looks at the view screen and nods in agreement
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 04/25/2023 9:11 PM
::watching over the engines from the bridge engineering station::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:12 PM
::she pulled a tricorder out of her pocket:: “Well lets see if we can make that happen, How many times does this make that I have literally saved your ass? :;she grinned::
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:12 PM
::stands from the center seat and walks a few steps toward the viewscreen.:: put her in orbit, please, Ms. Nuhl.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:12 PM
Aye Commander. Moving the ship to orbit.
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:12 PM
I stopped counting at…twenty-some.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:12 PM
::Begins his scans::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:12 PM
::Deftly does exactly that, keeping an eye on surroundings::
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:13 PM
Ghas, please notify science that we’re in orbit and they can begin scans.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:13 PM
::settles in at her station::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:13 PM
::Glances at the main screen:: It is rather lovely.
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 04/25/2023 9:13 PM
Power available for sensors.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:14 PM
“Yes me also. Everything is healing nicely. No neuro deficits that I can find. Are you having any issues, sleep? Pain? anything weird?”
::making one final scanning sweep::
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:15 PM
I’ve seen so many of these in my life, and yet it still surprises me
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:15 PM
Actually no, I feel better than I have for awhile.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:15 PM
At least there’s nothing to land on or beam down to this time.
Patricia Crow
— 04/25/2023 9:16 PM
We can always beam someone down. :: grin::
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:16 PM
::nods to Liski’s comment:: I’ll second thar
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:16 PM
::nodding:: “Ok you can return, but if I see anything concerning, I putting your rear in quarters. I hope that I am making myself clear”
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:16 PM
I’m not sure I’ve been this close to a new star.
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:17 PM
It’ll be hard to get myself in a bad spot with this mission.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:17 PM
“Right like anything we do is normal, something always happens”
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:17 PM
I’m not sure I’ve even heard of a star being this color. I assume we’ll get some readings on it’s chemical makeup. I’m sure that will be very interesting
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:17 PM
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:18 PM
Its just the facts.
Patricia Crow
— 04/25/2023 9:18 PM
I think they wanna study it and maybe start building a Dyson around it.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:18 PM
Like a conference, right, should have been simple
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 04/25/2023 9:18 PM
There’s a little more radiation than expected from this type of star, but the shields are handling it well.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:18 PM
::Chuckles softly::
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:19 PM
Good. Keep an eye on that, and if output increases, back us off…even if shields are holding
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 04/25/2023 9:19 PM
*just mezmerized by the viewscreen
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
::Brings them around the curve of the sun again:: Aye commander, I’m happy to keep us further from radiation poisoning.
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
::sits back down:;
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
::starts tapping her fingers aggressively on the console::
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
Well, you just have bad luck.
Patricia Crow
— 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
::sideglance at Statzia, shrug::
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
Energy being emitted is similar to a pulsar. Odd.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
“Or no luck at all”:: making notes on her PADD:: Ok full release. Now back to work. See you on the bridge.
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:20 PM
::raises a brow:: really?
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:21 PM
See ya. ::goes to get ready:::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:21 PM
Yeah really! Men.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:21 PM
A pulsar? Interesting.
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:21 PM
::gives a huff, tapping repeatedly on her console again::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:22 PM
She left the Captains quarters and and headed to the closest TL::
Patricia Crow
— 04/25/2023 9:22 PM
You know the faster you tap, the slower it works.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:22 PM
::Steps up her vigilance::
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:22 PM
::notices the quick movements out of the corner of her eye:: everything okay, Liski?
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:22 PM
:: looks up and scowls:: I don’t remember asking anyone’s opinion.
Patricia Crow
— 04/25/2023 9:23 PM
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:23 PM
::frowns:: watch it, Lieutenant.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:23 PM
woah ::Senses anger from Liski
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:23 PM
::The TL doors open to the bridge, she exits and takes her chair, staring at the view screen.:: Wow that’s impressive”
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:23 PM
::looks back the viewscreen with a roll of her eyes.::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:23 PM
Lieutenant Commander.
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 04/25/2023 9:24 PM
::taps his control panel:: The pulses are setting up a resonant effect in the shields. I can compensate for the time being.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:24 PM
::quietly:: Huh.
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:25 PM
::closes her eyes a moment and takes a breath:: apologies…Commander…::what a stupid mistake to make on the bridge::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:25 PM
Do you want me to back us off?
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:25 PM
Please, Ms.Nuhl
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:25 PM
::starts to feel a little pain in his head::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:26 PM
::mutters softly:: I didn’t spent 20 years of solitude just to still be a Lieutenant.
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:26 PM
:::Steps off the TL:: Well I never thought I’d say I missed the Bridge.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:26 PM
(sorry for the caps)
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 04/25/2023 9:27 PM
*turns to STAND At Attention
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:27 PM
::stands with a huff, and moves to her usual seat::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:27 PM
::Maneuvers the ship further away from the star, keeping to orbit:: And we are a little further out.
::Turns and smiles:: Welcome back to the bridge Sir.
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:27 PM
:::Taking his seat, looks to Edra and motions to the view screen:: How’re we doing?
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:28 PM
::head starts to hurt worse::
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:28 PM
We’re in orbit of the star, as you can see. It’s emitting energy similar to a pulsar, according to Mr. Ghas.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:28 PM
::blinking his eyes, they start to water::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:28 PM
We’re all doing peachy keen
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
Well that’s unique. Are sensors showing anything else?
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
We’re backing away a bit due to the radiation, just to be cautious
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
huffs as she turns back around to look at the viewscreen feeling Irritated
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
Captain, thee’s something else
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
Yea, good idea. No need to take chances with something like that.
Yes Mr Ghas?
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
::STands up and falls to the floor::
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
There’s more?!?
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:29 PM
::turns to look at Liski, thinking someone must have peed in her Wheaties::
Oh geez!
Cpt H Crow — 04/25/2023 9:30 PM
::gets up, moving to Ghas::
Patricia Crow
— 04/25/2023 9:30 PM
Such a drama queen.
Cdr Edra Crow — 04/25/2023 9:30 PM
What the…? ::rushes to the Lt., kneeling next to him::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:30 PM
Lt Ghas! goes to him and pulls out a tricorder:
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:30 PM
::raises a hand::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — 04/25/2023 9:30 PM
“what now?’
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — 04/25/2023 9:30 PM
::glances over at Statzia:: Z?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — 04/25/2023 9:31 PM
::Immediately moves the ship further away from the star in case that was the cause of Ghas falling:: Moved to safer distance from the star. scanning to see if there is anything unusual around us.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — 04/25/2023 9:31 PM
I need a second
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— 04/25/2023 9:31 PM
::snaps:: What?!?
CMDR Caressa Melanick — 04/25/2023 9:31 PM
“I think you need more than a second”
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:31 PM
:::Scans show nothing unusual:::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:31 PM
rolls eyes at Statzia
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:31 PM
::takes a deep breath::
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:32 PM
Yea, just clear the cobwebs. You been feeling sick?
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:32 PM
::returns to her seat, looking at the star with a scowl::
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — Today at 9:32 PM
::turns back to his panel:: Nevermind
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:32 PM
::softly:: Interesting how everyone got a bit testy as soon as we dropped out of warp.
Patricia Crow
— Today at 9:33 PM
+Millie+ You there?
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:33 PM
::the pain passes::
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:33 PM
::looks down, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose, taking deep breaths: :
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— Today at 9:33 PM
What’s that supposed to mean?
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:33 PM
I know I could feel it…I mean I could feel everyone!
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:33 PM
Everyone who?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:33 PM
“what are you talking about Statzia”
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:34 PM
+P Crow+ I’m in my quarters. Is everything alright?
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:34 PM
the whole ship, it was as if I could hear everyone’s thoughts, all at the same time.
Patricia Crow
— Today at 9:34 PM
+Millie+ Can you tell your sweetie to hurry the hell up? I thought she was a decent hacker.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:35 PM
Maybe you ought to end your shift and go lay down.
Evelyn Moro
— Today at 9:35 PM
::looks over at Millie, overhearing as she works on a PADD:: What did she say?
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:35 PM
“I did detect an increase in neurotransmitters, when you where down”
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:35 PM
::Glances over, concerned about her pal::
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:36 PM
::stands and paces back and forth, watching the screen::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:36 PM
::Then returns her attention to keeping them a good distance from the star::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:36 PM
Lt Ghas I suggest a trip to sickbay
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:36 PM
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:36 PM
“Just for a look see”
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:37 PM
::shakes her head:: +P Crow+ She’s been working practically non-stop since the incident. I have to let her rest every now and then, Trish.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:37 PM
::Stands up from the deck::
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:37 PM
Thank you Doctor, let’s make sure he’s okay. ::helping him stand::L
Patricia Crow
— Today at 9:37 PM
+Millie+ She can rest when she’s dead, which she will be if she doesn’t get me what I need.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:37 PM
That’s what I am here for. ::taking him by the arm and heading to the TL::
Evelyn Moro
— Today at 9:38 PM
Maybe you’d like to come down here and do it yourself. ::raising her voice to be heard:::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:38 PM
stays standing as she continues to get more irritated
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:38 PM
::the baby kitten starts to cry::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:39 PM
::Taps her fingers on her console and adjusts the course again to keep them in a good spot relative to the star::
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — Today at 9:39 PM
::glancing around the bridge:: I’m going to adjust the sensors to look for neurogenic effects.
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:39 PM
::still pacing, turns and runs bodily into Henry:: are you kidding me?
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:40 PM
::Enters SB:: “I can still hear them all. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt a fugue.”
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:40 PM
Too much talk. ::Stabs her fingers at her console, causing the ship to judder slightly before she gets it smooth again::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:40 PM
rubs her temples tring to keep control of her temper
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:40 PM
Well, we know you have abilities, but something seems to be off since we arrived.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:40 PM
Security> +Stewart+ Chief, we just had to break up a major brawl in the lounge. A few officers were all having drinks and then just started fighting.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:41 PM
+P Crow+ ::baby screaming in the background:: Prophets, Trish!
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:41 PM
::feeling cagey, plops back down into her seat, foot tapping::
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:41 PM
Yes, a heightened sense of irritation.
Patricia Crow
— Today at 9:41 PM
+Millie+ Just get her to do it. ::closes channel::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— Today at 9:42 PM
::irritated:: Did you just make a baby cry?
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:42 PM
Agreed, I feel like throwing the Padd against the wall. In fact, every little thing is getting to me.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:42 PM
::sounding snarly:: Can we move away from the star please?
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:42 PM
::returns to his chair, looks to Edra, gives her a grin:: Thanks for taking care of things while I was on the shelf.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:42 PM
Doc what about the other empaths?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:42 PM
Stewart+ Security “ok well why are you telling me about you know your jobs put both officers in the brig to sober up do I need to hold your damn hand all the time”
Patricia Crow
— Today at 9:43 PM
No, the idiot who can’t do a simple hack did when she yelled.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:43 PM
Well, that would be me and Edra.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:43 PM
Why aren’t you being effected?
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:43 PM
Security> +Stewart+ Uh, yes Ma’am.
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:43 PM
(Not an empath, just Bajoran)
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:43 PM
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:44 PM
(er affected? effected?)
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:44 PM
::to Henry:: what are you grinning at…is this fun for you?
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:44 PM
Its like I have a bit of control, I feel it just not acting on it. Make sense?
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:44 PM
Stewart + Securty “keep me informed if anyone else decideds to be a idot today”
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:44 PM
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:44 PM
::scoops up the yowling baby:: You both are incorrigible.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:44 PM
+Sick bay to The Captain+
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:44 PM
:::grin fades:: Uh, no. You feeling okay?
+Caressa+ Go ahead, how is Mr. Ghas?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:45 PM
::Looks back at the others:: Moving?: Ship? Away from the blasted star? Or am I the only one who thinks it’s because of it that I want to scream?
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:45 PM
yes, I am not annoyed… I don’t feel irritation. just everyone else’s.
Evelyn Moro
— Today at 9:45 PM
She started it! Always trying to be a badass and intimidate people. I don’t know how you stand her.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:46 PM
::looks to Nuhl:: Scream?
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:46 PM
Something is amiss, I have multiple injures, and increasing anger issues. Geez I need security or we are going to have a fight in sickbay. Ghas is fine. Hey You ! put that down! Sorry got to run
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:46 PM
::pinching the bridge of her nose again:: sorry…everyone talking and snipping at each other was getting to me, and it feels crowded in here.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:46 PM
The ship is irritating me so much I want to yell at it.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:47 PM
Stewart, head down to Sickbay and see what’s going on down there please.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:47 PM
::Stabs her fingers at the controls again, causing another odd judder in the way the ship was moving::
Patricia Crow
— Today at 9:47 PM
Hey! Keep’er steady.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:47 PM
Lt Ghas, go into my office. Things are getting a bit wild in here. We need to figure this out. :: ducks from a flying object::
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:48 PM
::rushes to the office, starts to focus his mind::
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— Today at 9:48 PM
Prophets, where’d you learn to fly??
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:48 PM
::sits cross legged on the floor::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:48 PM
Stewart * Irritably heads to the tl and to the Sickbay with other security officer as we start to subdue people agresssively*
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:49 PM
Have you ever noticed that helm is ignored unless the ship isn’t running perfectly smoothly? ::snarls::
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — Today at 9:49 PM
::looks around:: What the hell is going on here? You’re acting like you’ve got jungle fleas under your skins.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:49 PM
::She grabs a hypo-spray or 2 and starts administering :: There thats better.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:49 PM
:::nods in agreement::
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:50 PM
::hands holding her temples like she’s trying to keep her head together:: WOULD EVERYONE PLEASE, SHUT UP!
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:50 PM
::Rolls her eyes::
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:50 PM
:::turns to his wife as sensor alerts begin going off. The star lets loose with several flares::::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:50 PM
looks at the Dr ” their is everyone calm now”
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:51 PM
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:51 PM
Not that you where any help, but yes I have it under control.
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — Today at 9:51 PM
Oh, damn, the shields did not like that. ::hands fly across his controls::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:52 PM
“well then next time you can take careof it your self” * storms out of sickbay*
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— Today at 9:52 PM
::mutters in Ferengi under her breath::
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — Today at 9:52 PM
There, that’s better.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:52 PM
“Sorry that was not appropriate” Yes all is well now.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:52 PM
::Immediately moves the ship to avoid the flares as best she can::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:52 PM
Caressa heads to her office: “Lt do you have anything?”
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:52 PM
NCC 1701-D, NCC 1701 – Captain’s log, Federation Stardate 41209 ::mutters::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:53 PM
Oh no,
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:53 PM
Doctor, the star
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:53 PM
::stands again, pacing across the bridge::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:53 PM
+Sick bay to Capt Crow+
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:53 PM
heads back up to the bridge and back at her station
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:53 PM
+Caressa+ Yes Doctor?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:53 PM
::Just ignores everyone on the bridge::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:53 PM
Henry we need to get out of here, like yesterday!
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:53 PM
Can’t think. Too much noise. ::Grumbles to herself::
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:54 PM
+Caressa+ We just got here. We’ve got it under control with the flares.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:54 PM
No its more than that! Just trust me!
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:54 PM
Her? That woman is the closest thing I have to family!
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:54 PM
+Captain+ Stardate 41209, USS Enterprise – D the water virus, everyone started to slowly go insane. It’s not this but it’s similar. We need to leave.
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:54 PM
I will explain!
Evelyn Moro
— Today at 9:54 PM
Says ALOT about me, then huh?
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:55 PM
::Raises her voice even though she’s ignoring them:: I’ve been asking but noooooo nobody ever listens to the helm..
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:55 PM
::watching the floor as she paces, controlled breathing::
Lt. K’Naut, Chief Engineer — Today at 9:55 PM
::sits bolt upright:: I think they’re right, Captain. I thought this sounded familiar.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:55 PM
Ms. Nuhl, move us out about….100,000 kilometers.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:55 PM
::baby cries louder::
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:56 PM
::Starts that process:: Moving the ship to where I asked to move the ship a while back. ::jabs her finger at the control::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:56 PM
Looks at the Lt:: Its have to be something with the flares,.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:56 PM
Yes, it’s acting on our brains like bugs.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 9:56 PM
:::The further the ship got from the star, the less irrirtated and anxious the effected crew felt::::
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:56 PM
For some reason we are not affected as much.
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:57 PM
takes slow deep breaths feeling her irritation growing into Anger
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:57 PM
::Sighs and relaxes:: And we are at 100,000.
Lt Millie Stepanova, Couns. — Today at 9:58 PM
Ev! ::bounces the baby, trying to soothe her::
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 9:58 PM
::slows her pacing, breathing easier, and head starting to clear. Looks around and wordlessly sits back down::
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 9:58 PM
then suddenly feel her Anger calm as she sits down
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 9:58 PM
And… my brain doesn’t feel buzzy.
Evelyn Moro
— Today at 9:59 PM
::her attention goes to the baby::: It’s okay, it’s okay, we’re alright. :::lowering her voice:::
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:59 PM
It may not affect us as much because both of us have been trained to control that
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 9:59 PM
Very true.
Patricia Crow
— Today at 9:59 PM
+Millie+ Uh…sorry about that, I don’t really know what that was all about.
Lt. Ghas – COpsO — Today at 9:59 PM
control and block anything that may affect us.
Cdr Edra Crow — Today at 10:00 PM
::after a few minutes, she looks at the screen again, and around the bridge:: what was that?
Cpt H Crow — Today at 10:00 PM
That is exactly what we need to find out.
Lt Kerwen Nuhl-Helm — Today at 10:00 PM
::Runs a hand down the console:: sorry old girl.
Cpt H Crow — Today at 10:00 PM
(pause points)
Lt Commander Constance Stewart — Today at 10:00 PM
shaking her head feeling bad now for being short with the dr and her own team
CMDR Caressa Melanick — Today at 10:00 PM
Lt. Cmdr. Statzia Liski
— Today at 10:00 PM
::rubs the bridge of her nose::