Character Profile - Rome Kingsolver


Rome Kingsolver
Human Male

Place of Origin: North American Continent, Earth – Sol System

Physical Description

Rome’s father always used to say that his youngest child was “all legs,” and this was an accurate description given Rome’s height of 6’1″ (185.42 cm). In his early youth, Rome discovered his talent for ballet, and his long legs were a great advantage, allowing him to move with ease and grace. While his peers struggled with the changes that come with adolescence, Rome navigated them with poise and elegance, which he still possesses as a young adult, something his older brothers tease him mercilessly about whenever they have the chance. A svelte build compliments his stature, with Rome’s weight of 155 lbs (70.3 kg) proportional to his height, although straying toward the lower end of the healthy weight scale.

Rome is a remarkably beautiful individual with androgynous physical traits, particularly in the delicate angles of his face. During his youth, he was often subjected to harsh teasing for appearing too soft and feminine, which caused him to become highly self-conscious about his appearance. Unlike others who might exude confidence or even arrogance in their attractiveness, Rome tends to shy away from such inclinations. That said, he places great importance on maintaining impeccable personal grooming and presenting a refined and polished appearance. Rome’s lustrous brown hair cascades down his shoulders, meticulously styled and often parted to the right or pinned back while on duty. Bove his well-defined nose, Rome’s brows are impeccably manicured, framing piercing azure blue eyes. His teeth and nails are meticulously tended to enhance his pristine appearance.

Rome has two tattoos – one of an arrow inside his upper right thigh and another of double bands encircling his right thumb. He is interested in getting more tattoos and has no piercings yet.

Personality Profile
Early years Biography

The nurses call Rome a pumpkin patch baby, born at 12:03 AM on October 31st at MDI Hospital in Bar Harbor, Maine. Clean and swaddled tightly, the delivery nurse smiles as she gently places Rome on his mother’s chest, where he is held for the first time. The nurse warns Rome is already a bundle of trouble, gazing at this newfound world with a mischievous glean captive in the starlight sparkle of impossible blue eyes. It is unconditional love at first sight as Rome’s bright eyes find those of his mother and then his father’s. It’s the beginning of a life whose unconventional path is defined by the unbridled passion he breathes into the world.

His parents name him Rome, meaning ‘strength’. Perhaps they recognized this quality early in Rome, the name apropos, given his strength of character, will, and determination. Continuing with the unconventional, Rome’s middle name is Zion, translating to the ‘highest point’ or, in Christianity, the ‘kingdom of heaven.’ Unless impossible to pronounce or to shorten, unique names often do not require nicknames – and Rome’s name does not fit these two criteria, so everyone calls him by his first name, except for his father, who lovingly refers to Rome as piccolo — ‘little one’ in Italian.

Rome is the youngest and last of five children born to Theresa (nee, Sullivan) and Joseph Kingsolver. Joseph Kingsolver, who is 61 years old, is the head archivist for the Mount Dessert Island library system. He is meticulous and values precision and accuracy in his personal life and professional work. Joseph analyzes situations carefully before giving his thoughts, often making him seem detached and unemotional. However, despite his reserved demeanor, he is a caring and supportive figure in the lives of his children. Among his five children, Joseph often dotes on Rome the most. Theresa (nee, Sullivan) Kingsolver, who is 57 years old, is a primary school teacher on the island. She is a warm, nurturing individual known for her tender-hearted and compassionate nature. However, she is also a disciplinarian, holding her students to high behavior and academic achievement standards. Theresa’s strictness comes from a place of love and concern for her students, as she believes setting expectations and boundaries is essential for their growth and success. As a mother, Theresa brings the same balance of compassion and discipline to her parenting. She is affectionate and supportive of her children but expects them to take responsibility for their actions and make good choices. Theresa is a great listener and always makes time for her children, whether they need help, someone to talk to, or simply a hug. Her love and support are unwavering, and her children can always count on her to be there for them.

Of the four children, Christopher, also known as “Chrissy,” is the eldest and works as a housing specialist. Despite being the oldest, he is laid-back and often plays the role of peacemaker among his siblings. Giuseppe and Marco are twins and are both 33 years old. Giuseppe, the eldest of the twins by twelve minutes, works as a wildlife documentarian and photographer. He is known for his adventurous spirit and deep passion for nature and wildlife. On the other hand, Marco is a potter who enjoys working with his hands and is known for his practical skills. Despite their different personalities and interests, the three brothers have a close bond with each other and with Rome. They often tease him about his graceful nature, but it’s all good fun. They share a unique sibling bond that has grown stronger over the years.

Ada is Rome’s older sister, and at 31 years old, she is the only girl in the immediate family, aside from their mother, Theresa. Ada is married and has three children of her own, who are the apple of her eye. She followed closely in their father’s footsteps and became a researcher who works with the city’s historical society. Ada is a brilliant and driven woman who is passionate about her work. She is meticulous in her research, and her attention to detail is unmatched. Ada is also a devoted mother and wife, juggling her family and work with impressive ease. She is a great role model for her children and her youngest sibling, who look up to her with admiration and respect. There is a ten-year age gap between Rome and Ada, whom Theresa and Joseph thought would be their last child. But Rome accepted long ago that life is beyond any semblance of unpredictable, much like him, fate always seems to find a way. The age difference matters not because Rome’s siblings treat him like a little prince, caring for and spoiling him beyond belief.

As a child, Rome’s mother describes him as a feral cat. He is fiercely independent. It is a point of contention between Rome and his parents, who are devilish in concocting ways of trying to control him. Yet, they relent after realizing it is an exercise in futility because Rome does what he wants when he wants. He is not obstinate or combative this way and never knowingly takes advantage. Rome is simply stubborn and cannot be controlled. His unrestrained buoyancy is abundant and unpredictable, which causes much trouble in the classroom. Rome is a distraction – how could the teachers and administrators believe it possible to hold him captive for long periods in such a confined space when there is so much to see and experience beyond its four walls? Rome is tested, and the results indicate a neurodivergence in his thinking and interpretation of the world. Clearly, Rome would benefit from more freedom and creativity in learning and interacting with others. His family and the school try to oblige, but they can only do so much.

Feral cat Rome is not (or maybe just a little). He is a free spirit. Wildchild. Flower child. A ‘bohemian prince,’ Ada likes to call him. His nurturing is ever-present in the kindheartedness he imparts to others. There is something ethereal in Rome — mind, body, and soul — he radiates an unconditional love equally matched by a natural charisma. Rome possesses an inherently disarming disposition. He is easy to talk to and relatable. His openness about him helps others feel welcomed and at ease. Rome is an astute observer of human behavior and accepts others for who they are. He does his best to stray from judgments and preconceived notions, attempting, first and foremost, to come from a place of understanding. Rome is an open book and an adept communicator, speaking plainly yet with compassion, choosing to lead with a caring and empathetic heart. People naturally gravitate to Rome. However, some find his personality off-putting because they have difficulty relating to his eclectic interpretation of the world.

At eleven, Rome comes out as gay. Remarkably, it is unsurprising to his parents – they accepted long ago that their son was different, so what is one more thing to add to a very long list of what they like to call ‘eccentricities’? They accept Rome for who he is unconditionally, without guilt or judgment. When he tells them he likes other boys, Rome is unashamed and brave in his declaration, as if it was no different than sharing his love for the color of sunflowers. Rome’s siblings seem to be okay with his romantic interests, too. However, Chrissy and Marco have a more challenging time accepting – they are not obtuse or problematic in any way, yet do not understand all the same, given the siblings are raised in a devoutly Catholic household. Ironically, given his parents’ acceptance, Rome’s sexuality wedges a conflict between him and his brothers, who find reconciling their faith against this kind of love difficult. So, perhaps they make hurtful comments from time to time – it comes from a place of ignorance. Regardless, they love Rome, and he them, so Rome continues building a bridge toward understanding – it is a slow process, but he hopes they will come around to it eventually. One thing is for sure; however, something made abundantly clear – if any boy dares hurt Rome, Chrissy and Marco will make them disappear.

The earliest Rome remembers pulling on ballet slippers is three or four. He took to it seamlessly. Whereas his hyperactivity drives his teachers out of their minds in the classroom, it impresses the instructors in the studio; in fact, Rome had one who described him as someone with ‘limitless energy’ and ‘savant-like.’ Dancing is Rome’s superpower and comes naturally – how effortlessly he infused a wild exuberance into the craft is uncanny. His boundless energy fuels this passion, so Rome advances quickly. He dabbles in other dance forms, blending ballet with hip-hop or even tango and salsa – but he always returns to ballet. He studies intensely at the Mount Desert Island Ballet Academy through childhood and adolescence.

[TW for intense bullying] Rome’s youth is not always idyllic. Small towns breed small minds trapped in subjective interpretations of social and self-governed morals. Rome is different – he knows and accepts this fact. Others either cannot or will not, so he is bullied relentlessly. First, it is because Rome is a spaz in the classroom. Then, it is because he lives and breathes ballet, which is not a sport- only girls dance and boys should not. Next, it is because he is too pretty to be a boy – too effeminate in appearance, behavior, and action. And finally, it is because he likes other boys. Rome is a beautiful soul, but people dislike what they do not understand – they act out of fear of the unknown. Rome is not unfamiliar with the occasional black eye or a fat lip. He comes home with bruises, cuts, and scrapes. Rome is the bully’s favorite punching bag, mainly because he refuses to fight back. It is fruitless anyway; there are more of them than him. Besides, Rome’s guidance counselor says bullying is just a part of life, so why cry? So Rome grins and bears it until Ashlyn Ek. One of the other terrible things about being different is that Rome is often used. Rome is the only gay guy in the school — that knows of, at least — making him an attractive target for those still figuring themselves out. One First year, Rome is surprised by Ashlyn, one of the more popular boys in his class, when he slips Rome a note one day encouraging Rome to visit him behind the gym at the end of the school. Rome likes Ashlyn – he is nice and one of the few that does not tease him. Rome and Ashlyn are not friends by any means, but there is a kindness in those doe-brown eyes of his. Intrigued by the invite, Rome does as suggested, finding Ashlyn alone precisely where he said he would be. The boys talk for a while, getting to know one another beyond the surface-level stuff, going deeper than anticipated. And Ashlyn confesses he has always wondered what it would be like to kiss another boy. Rome is nervous and uncertain. He admits to also wondering what it would be like because, embarrassingly enough, he is still waiting for his first kiss, which is Ashlyn. Both are nervous and shaky. Rome lets Ashlyn take the lead, and although his technique is unsophisticated, Rome is enthusiastic, and that is all that matters. Rome can feel this is not Ashlyn’s first time – maybe with a boy, but not with girls. He is a good kisser – great even, and that impresses. Rome’s heart is hammering against the inside of his chest because this cannot be happening, but it is. It was not meant to last because the kiss intensifies, and Ashlyn’s friends find him. In a moment of panic about being discovered, he pushes Rome away. He falls hard, confused by the sudden change, until he realizes what is happening. Then, Rome’s bewilderment is replaced by dread and panic because Ashlyn explains his actions by blaming Rome. And it is the worst he has ever been hurt. Rome is too small to fight back, so he takes it. But no matter how hard they punch or kick him, nothing will hurt more than the betrayal of someone he shared something so intimate with moments before. This day marks when the bullying and emotional and physical abuse became the worst it has ever been.

Rome is a bit of a shell of who he was after that day behind the gym. The sparkle in his eyes looks a little duller. Rome is quieter than before and more withdrawn. Instead of standing out, he only wants to disappear. Rome realizes this place is robbing him of something special that makes him uniquely him. And Rome cannot — no, he will not allow that to happen. He decides he is leaving. Rome cannot stay here. Not if he wants to thrive in a world with limitless possibilities. He is going to be someone. And this small town, its people with its traditions and small minds, will not hold him back anymore. Besides, who wants to be surrounded by people who loathe and despise him for simply being his authentic self? So, Rome knuckles down and takes accelerated courses to graduate early. It is different from what he wants but needs to do, and Rome is tenacious in this pursuit. He is a force inside and outside the classroom and does what is required to secure a way off this tiny island, away from those hellbent on diminishing his brightness. And it works. Rome graduates a year early with an invitation to continue learning, growing, and developing at the Starfleet Academy.

Admission to the academy surprises Rome’s family, who thought he would surely pursue the performing arts. But it is the relentless bullying endured in primary school that compels Rome to continue traveling that unconventional path in life he knows so well. And although he continues his ballet training, because that will always be his first love, Rome is passionate about helping others discover their true potential and genuine worth as individuals. As such, nothing dissuades Rome from becoming a counselor with Starfleet medical.

Rome’s family still lives and works on the island, and he knows he will return home to visit eventually, but not anytime soon. No, Rome is finding his own way in life as he always has – unconstrained like a shooting star and sparkling just as brightly with joy and passion.