Character Profile - Vriaral Dariars

Vriaral Dariars

Place of Origin: Trill

Physical Description

Vriaral is most easily described as someone who appears to be entirely average looking. he tends to slip from the mind moments after meeting him.
The features which set him apart from his peers is his taller than average height, his generous shoulder width and perhaps most obviously his strikingly light blue eyes.

Personality Profile

General Overview

He is generally laid back and calm with a strong moral compass and code of ethics, though he doesn’t always colour inside the lines. He is also self-disciplined thanks to the fact he now co-exists with a symbiotic organism.

Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Knowledgeable
+easy going and fun

-thinks everything should be completely fair,
-brutally honest

Early years Biography

History of the Dariars Symbiont

Host One: Hedrian Dariars, Engineer
Host Two: Ral Dariars, Doctor
Host Three: Jessau Dariars, Botanist
Host Four: Neril Dariars, Starfleet Captain

Vriaral grew up on the Trill homeworld in a normal competitive household. He was always the odd one out despite his competitive in school and other activates it was never to joined. He never considered himself worthy or ambitious enough of such an honour because of the knowledge of only 1 in 1000 Trills only being suitable to be a host he never assumed he was suitable. With that knowledge, he threw himself into other things and eventually passed his entrance to Starfleet wanting to join as an Engineer to build things.

He made a few friends over the years at the Academy but never really met anyone he clicked with enough, it didn’t help that for the first few years he was left on Gamma watch to wither and die from boredom until a chance encounter with someone on Shore leave that things looked up and he was transferred to Alpha watch. It turned out the woman he had helped when her shuttle had broken down was the new Captain and she had appreciated his straight-talking attitude. Eventually, he was promoted and moved ships taking on a bigger ship as Assistant Chief on the Drake and Victory eventually which he enjoyed finding the ships and crews matched his pace of life and excitement.

Vriaral settled into the routine of his quiet life until the day the Victory received a mayday from another federation ship that had suffered major power surges which killed and injured a lot of crew including their captain. The Crew of the Federation ship put out a mayday to find another ship with possible Trill Crew onboard as the Captain’s symbiont was fading face. Vriaral’s ship only had two Trill crew members onboard and the female yeoman wasn’t compatible so the Engineer had to join with the Dariars Symbiont. The man didn’t remember the next few days but knew enough to remember that he was very confused and scared by the sudden influx of memories when he had, had no training, no testing but it was too late to change his mind now.

Starfleet gave him leave of absence but he struggled for over two years until he found his feet again and worked out who he was again. It was hard knowing he suddenly knew how to cook or that he enjoyed flowers and especially how much he suddenly knew about Engines that didn’t belong in Starfleet anymore. Once he was settled again he returned with a promotion as temporary Chief of Engineering. He didn’t enjoy being back in Starfleet on the Thirsk and was happy to get off as soon as possible even if he felt like he was being sidelined to the shipyards because of his struggles.