Character Profile - Spencer Gustaffson


Spencer Gustaffson
Human Male

Place of Origin: Mariner Bay, CA

Physical Description

Above average in height, muscular build

Personality Profile

Spencer is a capable, reliable, and loyal person. His only challenge is in trusting new people – but once he’s determined to trust anyone, he’s loyal to them for life. As a Ranger, he’s bound to be the reliable heart of the team, the pivot on which others can turn – hence his affinity to the Blue part of the Morphin’ Spectrum. In a fight, expect him to be in the center, scrapping it out with whoever needs to be defeated, and ensuring that his teammates have the cover they need.

Early years Biography

Spence’s parents were members of the Alliance Space Force – they met while in the service. Less than a year after his birth, Spence was let with some of his mother’s friends for “babysitting” – this became permanent when the ship that Richard and Mira were aboard had a catastrophic accident. No one has been able to confirm whether or not there was any foul play; the investigation is still ongoing nearly two decades later.

Still, Spence grew up with a loving family, and the Handys made sure that he remained in touch with his birth family. He was too young to remember his parents, and so has a lot less guilt or grief over being adopted than those who’d been adopted older. His parents made sure he had every possible opportunity, and with his combination of intelligence and athletic aptitude, he was able to easily get into the Academy.

His interest in the weapons which have been developed for the Solar Ranger team made him a natural pick.


Blue Ranger – ~1yr