Character Profile - Ellie Evans

Ellie Evans
Human Female

Place of Origin: England, Earth

Physical Description

Blonde and petite

Personality Profile

Coming from a British upper-class family, most would expect Ellie to be prim and proper and stand-offish. Rather, she’s the opposite: bright, optimistic, and caring. Naturally empathetic, she tries to see the bright side of everything.

Ellie loves to cook and can usually be found rustling up recipes in the kitchen in her free time.

Early years Biography

Ellie’s family made sure she had a good education, and though they wanted her to return home to the family estate in Suffolk regularly, she instead took some time out of studies to wander the world and learn more about different cultures.

Setting up in Angel Grove working shifts in the Juice Bar kitchen, she has temporarily found a bit of a groove and is thinking about sticking around for a little longer.