Character Profile - Njessa Azjure
Njessa Azjure
Andorian Female
Place of Origin: Andoria
Physical Description
Height 180cm
Weight 72.6kg
Hair Color White
Eye Color Violet
Njessa is Athletic and maintains a schedule of physical training. While on duty wears her shoulder blade length hair in a single braid.
Makes a great effort to keep her uniform straight and precise at all times.
Personality Profile
Ajzure is driven by her sense of honor and her family history to be a success in Starfleet. She is efficient but cold while on duty, only allowing her mask to slip while off-duty and even then she keeps a very tight reign on her emotions.
Early years Biography
Family History: Ajzure is from a family with a long tradition of military service both in the Andorian Fleet and in Starfleet. She has two younger brothers, 20 and 15, the older of whom has just joined the Andorian Homefleet. All four of her parents are still alive and live on Andor, 2 of whom are in the Andorian Homefleet.
Personal History: A dedicated student, Ajzure bent all of her efforts from the age of 12 towards achieving a place in Starfleet Academy. This was rewarded when she was accepted into the Academy at the age of 17. Member of the Starfleet Academy Kendo Club and Strategy Game Society during her time there.
Academic record: Ajzure was in the upper half of her Academy classes, except for physical and Operations oriented skills where she constantly scored in the top fifth of her class. Member of the Starfleet Academy fencing team, placing well in competitions in her junior and senior years. Her advisors noted that she had trouble making friends outside of the groups she choose to associate with.
USS Andoria
USS Talleyrand