Character Profile - Andrew Cartwright

Andrew Cartwright
Human Male

Place of Origin: Earth Spacedock

Physical Description

Andrew is of average height for a human male, he has a round face with flabby cheeks that jostle with speech. His hair is a dark brown and cut professionally, sweeping from one side to the other.

Personality Profile

Andrew is very capable of doing his job, however, as a shuttle pilot. He often grows bored in downtime unless he can use the opportunity to socialise, or otherwise entertain himself. He could be described as a jovial sort, never in a stern mood and rarely taking things very seriously.

Early years Biography

Andrew grew up between Earth Spacedock and Earth, with his mother and father split and living separately on the two. He took after his father and took and interest in spacecraft operations and piloting.


2397 – Graduated from Starfleet Academy and posted to the USS Cora’val on temporary assignment.
2398 – Transferred to USS Hou Yi.