Character Profile - M'rrina


Caitian Female

Place of Origin: Born On Cait In 2364

Physical Description

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 180
Hair Color: Tan/Brown/Grey w/ Black/White Accents
Eye Color: Gold

Powerfully muscled with sleek, well groomed fur.

Personality Profile

Generally relatively calm and friendly, though definitely goal-driven as well; by turns laid-back and intensely focused; not uncommon for members of a species that evolved from ambush predators.

Strengths & Weaknesses: Capable of maintaining intense focus for long stretches of time, with excellent hearing, night vision, and other senses. However, she will be the first to admit that compared to some other species, when one is covered in fur, her personal grooming routine takes rather longer than most officer’s daily average.

Hobbies & Interests: M’rrina enjoys swimming, sports of many kinds, and hunting on the holodeck…With her own claws and teeth. She also favors watching holovids, especially comedies, and telling jokes. This briefly earned her the nickname “The Laughing Cat” from a few Academy classmates back in the day; like most Caitains, her laugh and her voice have a rich, purring quality to them.

Languages: Federation Standard, Caitain, Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan, Andorian, Cardassian.

Early years Biography

M’rrina was born the eldest of her mother’s second set of kits – by Cait standards, a “middle child” of a sense. Curious and determined but often overlooked or blending into the large pack of pounce in her household and her clan overall, she originally joined Starfleet in part to do something different than all of her siblings, for once; who had all chosen to stay on the homeworld. Like a decent percentage of Caitain crew and officers, she chose a specialty where her excellent hearing and senses would be an asset. Though her decision to have offspring on her own is not particularly unusual for her species, her pregnancy having resulted in only a single kit, rather than the more customary twins or triplets, does sometimes leave her worried that R’ssa will be easily bored or poorly socialized with other members of her species; though given her own experience as the middle of a group of rowdy kits, she also sometimes wonders if it isn’t a benefit in some ways.