Quick and short report. There isn’t a lot to report for March, it was a pretty middle of the road month. We will have a better April and get back to with some exciting news I am sure.
Or at least, more news.
Arrivals, Changes and Departures
Nothing new here to report
Our current numbers:
Active Sims: 6
Open Commands: 4
RIO: 0
72nd Recruiting Listing
U.S.S. Athena
(Prometheus Class)
- Chief Science Officer
- Chief Security/Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Mercutio
(Akira Class)
- Chief Diplomatic Officer
- Chief Operations Officer
U.S.S. Gladiator
(Sovereign class)
- Chief Counselor
- Group Starfighter Commander
U.S.S. Vesta
(Vesta Class)
- All Assistant Department Heads
- Chief Counselor
- Junior Department Positions
- Dabo Girls (Lanchester interested???)
Haumea Colony
(Colony Class)
- Chief Science Officer
- Chief Operations Officer
- Chief Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Hiroshima
(Vesta Class)
- Chief Security/Tactical Officer
- Chief Science Officer
- Chief Engineering Officer
- Chief Counselor
If there is a ship not listed that you might be interested in, do not hesitate to reach out, I will happily look into it for you.
No promotions this month.
Unit of Merit
None this month pending a review of this structure.
Again, if you are looking for a guest, or any help with your writing, please reach out to either Hawkins or myself and we’ll do our best to help. We’re all in this together, and we want to see all of you succeed. See you in May.
Should you have questions or concerns, you may reach me via email at [email protected], or should you need Captain Hawkins, he can be reached via [email protected]. Thank you all, and safe simming.