Communication Catch Up

Written ByEhestri
Published On
19 April 2024
SEO-friendly alt text for the image: 'Illustration depicting effective communication in July 2023.'

Well…. well…. well… look who is back with a report. Communication reports have been a bit lacking from me as I’ve been summoning our community enough to events on our Discord server. If you have missed events do not worry most of them have been recorded and you can find them via our YouTube channel. But yes I thought that potentially there had been enough from me via there so no need to double up but I am back with a quarterly round-up for you all on what we have been up to as well as reminders.


If you did not know, we also manage the following social media accounts. Every follow, click and like counts towards getting us out there to potential players.

Like on Facebook
Follow on Twitter
Follow on Instagram
Join us on Discord
Listen to our Podcast
Like on Threads. 

If you subscribe or like any of our social media accounts you will get 500 points per social. As a reminder you need to tell me if I have not noticed your like or comment and I will add it. And this month if you clip something you like from a podcast episode you will get 100 points.


As you will be aware we are doing a podcast most weeks which you can find on our YouTube channel and over on Spotify. If anyone would like to be involved let me know we would love to hear what you have to say especially if you would like to appear in the future reviews of the original series or would like to do a podcast on a writing subject.




Everyone in our community can submit news stories, these can be anything from an extraordinary mission on your sim to telling us your favourite Star Trek muses. Game Masters, please remember we have post, character and mission spotlights to shout out to everyone about how awesome you guys are as well as the weekly sim spotlight. For any post that are not a spotlight or a Fleet Council report you now get XP.

It also does not take long to get them approved either but you need to summon any member of the fleet council on Discord in IFS3 for help.


We have lots planned but we need your support if you see our stuff on social media please give us a like or review. It really helps us get known by people who might not see us otherwise. Thank you for all the support given so far until next month keep writing.