Nova – Adding Ranks

19 December 2019

This guide will walk you through adding a rank through CPanel.

  1. After you login you’re going to see your screen with all your options. Look for file manager, it should be the very first one:
  • After you click on that it will open a new window and you’ll see a screen of files. On the left side of the screen click the following: Public HTML > Application > Assets > Common > DS9 > Ranks > Default.
  • Once you get this open look at the top, you’re going to click upload:
  • After you click upload, you’ll be taken to a screen that says drop files here or select files.

What you can do is just drag and drop, the same as if you were moving things from one file to another on the computer. Make sure you select all the ranks and drag them over.

  • That done go back to your site and log in. Scroll down until you see the menu ‘Ranks’:
  • After you click ranks, you’ll be taken to you rank page. Here you’ll click ‘Add New Rank’:
  • After you click that you’ll see this screen:
  • Fill out the Name, Short Name [[Abbreviation, like CDR for Commander).
    • When you get to order start with 0.
    • Rank class is what gives you your separate ranks. Use 13 here.
    • Display, yes
    • Image is the image name. So, you’ll need to put in the name of the first rank. For example, Commander would be ‘r-o5.png’
  • Then just repeat steps 6-8 to add each rank in.

This guide is written by Wolf