Fall has officially arrived, and so has this report. I want to apologize for its tardiness – between travel and illness this comes well behind my colleague’s report in Task Force 47. A big thank you to the Task Force 72 Command Team – the TFXO and TGCOs did a great job keeping things together and putting together last month’s report in my absence. You’re the best in the business, and I could not do this without you four.
Task Force Status
Y’all did great! We don’t have any new sims on the block for this month, but I want to encourage everyone to continue reaching out to support our newer arrivals namely Haumea Colony and USS Majestic. It’s important that our players and COs alike support our new simulations so they thrive in our community. If you have questions feel free to reach out to any of us in the Command Team – we’re here as a resource for you.
As noted in Task Force 47’s report, we will be reducing the size of the Task Groups. This is a sober recognition of our community’s niche nature, but I also think of it as an opportunity to strengthen the sims we have and build stronger connections.
Open Commands
Because of the reduction in Task Group sizes, I will be revisiting how we advertise command openings. For now, we will have one slot available under the new organizational structure. If you are interested, please reach out to us in Task Force Command.
Task Force Command: 0
Task Force 72A: 0
Task Force 72B: 1
Task Force 72C: 0
Open Positions
Chief Science Officer
- USS Majestic
- Haumea Colony
- USS Cassiopeia
Chief Security and Tactical Officer
- USS Endeavour
Chief Medical Officer
- Haumea Colony
- Langley Station
- USS Rhea (formerly Yorktown)
Chief Engineer
- Langley Station
Chief of Operations
- USS Majestic
- USS Nogura
- Haumea Colony
Chief Counselor
- Haumea Colony
- USS Orion
- USS Endeavour
- USS Cassiopeia
- USS Rhea (formerly Yorktown)
Chief Intelligence Officer
- USS Cassiopeia
- USS Rhea (formerly Yorktown)
Chief Diplomatic Officer
- USS Nogura
- USS Endeavour
Awards and Promotions
We have no Silver or Gold UoM nominations for this month, BUT that doesn’t mean we don’t have congratulations in order. Three COs that have been with us for some time now have demonstrated the commitment and hard work it takes to either take over a sim or start one from scratch. These three have really put in a tremendous amount of effort over the last several months. I’d like to offer my congratulations to the Commanding Officers of the USS Nightingale, USS Cassiopeia, and USS Orion on a job well done and a well-deserved promotion to Captain! So everyone please be sure and offer your best wishes to Captains Tan’ato Tejera, Aranis T’San and Logan Barrett when you see them on Discord (or even here!)
Good job you three!