Obsidian Fleet Academy Report – September 2019

Written Bydulac
Published On
16 October 2019

The leaves have changed color here in New York. The apples are being picked and pumpkins are appearing everywhere, especially in my coffee. It seems like only yesterday we were talking about the year to come and it was January. Time sure flies when you don’t pay attention, but I digress. As we start the final quarter of this year the Academy restructure soldiers on. I know you have better things to do then listen to me be a windbag. So without any gilding the lily and no further ado here we go.


I am proud and happy to see people taking advantage of both our Command Academy and Cadet Academy as they are live on IFS. We have had a number of students take both courses and it is a great way to pick up some new pointers or to refresh things that you already knew.

For our current Commanding Officers I would like to reiterate that the Command Academy can be taken in parts. That means if you want to refresh only on one part you are welcome to do so. Simply let your Tutor know that is what you would like to do. One can brush up their skills in lieu of taking the whole course.

I would like to announce that The Executive Officer Academy is live on IFS and ready for enrollment. Keep in mind that you do not currently have to be an XO to take the course. You can merely be interested in the position. Of course any current XO looking to brush up their skills is welcome as well.

Work has begun on the Specialist Courses. As was stated during Obsidian Day these courses will be released in batches of three. The first batch will be Marines, Medical, and Counseling.

As the courses are being designed we at the Academy are open to suggestions on what you would like to see in a course. Do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

I would like to congratulate the following people on their completion of CO Academy. Jacob Kane Commanding Officer of the USS Athena in Task Group 72A. We look forward to all the great things from you and the crew of the Athena.

Congratulations as well to Jared Rosado the Commanding Officer of Starbase 621 in Task Group 72B. I for one cannot wait to see what great stories come from this Starbase.

That’s All She Wrote Folks!

To close this report out I leave you with the following: May the great gray beard of the galaxy watch over us all.

For Now,
Steady As She Goes

Travani Dal
Academy Director
Obsidian Fleet