Task Force 72 Monthly Report – Feb 2020

Written Bydulac
Published On
2 March 2020


Well, what an interesting month this has turned out to be. We lost members, we gained members, and we pulled together as a team. That last bit was probably the one thing that, for me, really stood out most; our community spirit. It’s always nice to see people pull together, build things up, and continue to hold fast to the ideals that Obsidian Fleet is based on. I encourage everyone if you are struggling or just need someone to talk too, please don’t hesitate to grab one of the Command Staff and talk to us. We are here to help, even if you just need someone to listen to your frustrations.

Before we move on too far into this report, I do want to give a big welcome to Commander Soraya Rezvani and the USS Triton. Commander Rezvani is no stranger to the center chair. I know we will see great things from the Triton as she gets her training wheels off. So if you see the Commander wandering around lost in discord; just smile, wave, and give him a hearty congrats on his new position.


With the loss of a Task Group CO this month the decision was made to move all the open commands into one Task Group and re-organize things up a bit. With that in mind, all our open commands have been moved to TG 72-C.

Open Commands
Starbase 80 (Celestial Class Starbase)
USS Juno (Vesta Class)
USS Polaris (Galaxy Class)
USS Rook (Luna Class)
USS Tesla (Merian Class)

Total Simms: 16
Ships with CO’s: 11
Ships with Pending CO’s: 0
Open Commands: 5

As always we say this every month, but if anyone has an idea for a new command, or would like to talk to someone about their ideas for a new game please give me a message over discord at Jakers#5080. I would love to talk to you and hear what you have planned. I’d also encourage anyone if they are interested in command to head over to the Academy, as you will need to have taken CO Academy before you can assume Command.

Task Force Update

As a Task Force, we have started a Joint Posts with all the 72 Commanding Officers. We realize this will take a bit of Timey Wimey ideas to get all the characters into one place; but a little imagination can’t hurt… right? This JP is a great way to meet some of your fellow Commanders and get a bit of inter-game action in the process. If you are not a part of the post and would like to be added, message anyone in the 72 CO chat. Other than that, not much else to report. Another great month, with great involvement and activity.


This, as I stated, was a great month, and that means that the competition for the unit of merit award was strong. I admit I struggled over who to give the award too. So many people earned in but as they say in the Highland, there can be only one. And even after my review, I still had three strong candidates to select from. Before I announce I would like to take a moment to say that everyone did great, with almost all games seeing an increase in numbers. Even if your game didn’t get the award, everyone should be proud of the accomplishments and achievements they have earned. So without further rambling, this month’s Unit of Merit Award goes to Starbase 621. Starbase 621 had a great month and truly recovered from a series of setbacks and struggles. It’s always great to see a game that is able to bounce back and recover. So well done to Commander Rosado and crew!!


Well, that’s the end of the report… so I will leave you with this image. I saw this, actually as I am writing this report and thought it was very interesting so… sadly that means you all get to see it too.