Joint Fleet Command Monthly Report – May 2020

Written Bydulac
Published On
21 June 2020

What is this? A report from the JFC?

In our continued effort of turning over a new leaf and trying to be the best we can for our community, we have refocused our efforts on getting back to normal. We are sorry that things have slipped a little bit as we have all been wrapped up in real life. The reports were thought out but the time we got round to writing it out it was the following month already.

We will be doing better going forward as will all departments getting reports out.

Fleet Changes

As we have previously announced lots of changes have happened in the last month but we want to give a quick reminder. After more than 10 years of service and dedication, Admiral Sharr decided to step away from the Joint Fleet Command and Obsidian Fleet as a Commanding Officer. With Sharr’s departure, that left a vacancy in the Triadic office. Following the remaining Triad, and Sharr’s recommendation, the Fleet Council voted Gregnol/Goldun (Communications Director) to take on the third Triad role.

With the departure of Admiral Sharr as TFCO of TF29, that spot was filled by Travani Dal (Academy Director). and the role of Academy Director will be filled by the former Deputy Director of the Academy, Kayim Falor. Both are doing fantastic jobs in the last month.

But not only did the fleet have council changes other fleet-wide changes were quickly brought in. The Fleet Task Forces were restructured to remove the TGCO position within them to reinforce the TFCO’s interaction with all the simms and allow for a more involved and collaborative environment. They still have one person helping them in the brought-back TFXO positions for task forces that need them at the moment.

We have also brought in huge changes to Starbase Garrison vessels and how they now work with points instead of one size now fits all approach. You can find out about it all here.

Task Force 21

Task Force 21 has been lost for many years but the fleet is bringing it back in a new direction as the Fleet’s Online Gaming area. A lot of it is still in the works and there will be another announcement separately later on going into more detail but expect a lot of fun.

Site Updates

You may have noticed a slight hiccup last week. Routine maintenance went wrong so we had to revert to a backup which was 12 hours old. If you’ve lost anything, you’ll need to restore it.

Obsidian Day 2020

Saturday 1st August will see the return of our annual celebration of the founding of Obsidian Fleet. Please save the date and stock up on drink of choice and snacks to enjoy the event. Lots of panels are in the process of being organised and some panel times are still available for anyone who is willing to volunteer to run on.

That is it for now.

DuLac, Sepandiyar and Gregnol
Joint Fleet Command