January was a quiet month for 72, so there isn’t a whole lot to discuss. I am about 37.5% of the way through scanning over sims in the Task Force, so keep an eye out for that.
Arrivals and Departures
After a conversation with the team over at Aegaeon, they are going to be shutting down for time commitments. We wish them well, and hope that one day they will be able to return to us when life is a little easier.
Our current numbers:
Active Sims: 8
Open Commands: 2
RIO: 0
Total Posts (SPM): 189.19
Average Posts per Player: 3.10
72nd Recruiting Listing
U.S.S. Vesta
(Vesta Class)
- Not Currently Recruiting
U.S.S. Arcadia
(Odyssey class)
- Chief Engineer
- Chief Intelligence Officer
- Chief of Operations
- Marine Squadron Commander
U.S.S. Athena
(Prometheus Class)
- Not Currently Recruiting
U.S.S. Eagle
(Saber Class)
- Not Currently Recruiting
Haumea Colony
(Colony Class Base)
- Chief Science Officer
- Chief Medical Officer
- Chief of Operations
- Chief Tactical Officer
- Chief Diplomatic Officer
U.S.S. Mercutio
(Akira Class)
- Chief Engineer Officer
- Chief of Operations
- Chief Helms Officer
- Assistant Department Heads
U.S.S. Nightingale
(Olympic Class)
– Not Currently Recruiting
U.S.S. Tesla
(Merian Class)
- Ships Counselor
- Assistant Department Heads for Upcoming submissions!
Aegeon Seabase
(Lowell Class Research Base)
- Commanding Officer
USS Majestic
(Majestic Class)
- Commanding Officer
USS Gladiator
(Sovereign Class)
- Commanding Officer
If there is a ship not listed that you might be interested in, do not hesitate to reach out, I will happily look into it for you.
None for January
Unit of Merit
This month was a close one. Many hours of discussion, evaluation and back and forth went into picking the right choice here. Though, when the dust settled, and the dice were cast, we finally landed on a choice for the month.
Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first Unit of Merit for 2021, please give a congratulations to the crew of the USS Tesla. Commander Tevek is a pillar in the community, and the quality of writing coming from the Tesla is second to none.
In my review of the sims I am enjoying reading the stories you have all had to tell. One of my notes of import is the USS Nightingale, which at some point snuck a redo of their site skin under my radar and has arguably one of the nicest looking sims in the Fleet. I recommend going and giving it a peek if you have the time.
CO’s, should you have any questions about my preliminary findings of my comb through things, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Should you have questions or concerns, you may reach me via email at [email protected], or should you need Captain Hawkins, he can be reached via [email protected]. Thank you all, and safe simming.