Task Force 29 – April 2021

Written Bydulac
Published On
22 May 2021

First off, apologies for the delay. We’ve had some shuffle Fleet-wise, (and some IRL shuffles) making this a late report.

Second off, as you may have heard, I’ll be taking on the role of Task Force Commanding Officer of 29. Ford has resigned his post as TF29-CO and for now, I will be taking on the role in addition to my Triadic duties.

There’s not too much to report on this month, so stay tuned for the next one!

We’re always looking for qualified, steady heads at the CoNN so if you’re interested in the center chair we have plenty of simms to choose from. If you’re interested in running a simm, or have a great idea for something that’s outside the Prime norm, 29 is the place to be!

Task Force Ops

There were no new games into TF29 this month.


At the moment, having just stepped into this role, there won’t be any awards for the month of April. As we wrap up May, I’ll be looking into awards for the month. If you as a CO, Player or Spectator think that there’s anything I should see on a game (great post, etc), please forward that my way! I do try to read through the games as much as I can but it’s always great to have a direct reference.

Looking forward to a great May! Questions, concerns, comments, well wishes and donations are welcome anytime, my door’s open for you.