Task Force 72 | July Report

Written Byyminawara
Published On
72 Main

There was definitely a June report!

And July isn’t late!

I am back from vacation, and by that I mean actually back! Which means it is time for an August report on July. A lot happened in July, we lost our TFXO (curse him, but congrats), we had some absolutely stellar posting numbers this month, and overall have seen a general uptick in posting excitement. I am seeing a lot of hype in August as well, and I am stoked to see what comes of everyone’s sims for August. 

In regards to that, I apologize this report was late, there were some final bits to work out, that were interfered with by my vacation! But with that all settled… I’ll let you read the rest of the report. 

Arrivals, Changes and Departures

No changes for July. 


Our current numbers: 

Active Sims: 8

Open Commands: Yes

RIO: 0

72nd Recruiting Listing

U.S.S. Athena

(Prometheus Class)

  • Not Actively Recruiting 

U.S.S. Mercutio

(Akira Class)

  • Chief Diplomatic Officer 
  • Chief Operations Officer 

U.S.S. Gladiator

(Sovereign class)

  • Chief Counselor
  • Group Starfighter Commander

U.S.S. Vesta

(Vesta Class)

  • All Assistant Department Heads
  • Junior Department Positions
  • Dabo  Girls (Lanchester interested???)

Haumea Colony

(Colony Class)

  • Chief Science Officer
  • Chief Operations Officer
  • Chief Tactical Officer

U.S.S. Hiroshima

(Vesta Class)

  • Chief Security/Tactical Officer
  • Chief Science Officer
  • Chief Engineering Officer

Obsidian Command

(Stardock Starbase) 

  • Tower Control Officer
  • Engineering/Maintenance Personnel
  • Security/Tactical Specialists
  • Science/Medical Specialists
  • Civilian Workforce

S.S. Mary Rose

(Constitution Refit)

  • Not Actively Recruiting


If there is a ship not listed that you might be interested in, do not hesitate to reach out, I will happily look into it for you. 

Unit of Merit

This month’s Unit of Merit award follows May, with an absolutely stellar month for one of our sims. It should come as little surprise to see the USS Athena claim the UoM spot once more for July, but there is more to this UoM than meets the eye. 

First, there is the absolutely amazing posting numbers, seeing 136 posts for their crew in July, averaging fifteen posts per player. Into perspective, of their 9 person crew count, each member would have had to have written 7500 words minimum. That is an absolutely astounding display of writing and I cannot be prouder. 

Not only that, but having wrapped up their arc and seen the bringing together of several COs for a final big valley push in the end was beyond amazing. The CO continued to display his dedication to the community of Obsidian Fleet as a whole, and the crew welcoming these posts was beyond amazing. 

So, without much more fanfare, allow me to congratulate the crew of the USS Athena on their wonderful July. I can’t wait to see what August brings. 


Normally I would address promotions above the Unit of Merit, should we have any. This month however I did not want to take away from the awe inspiring work done by the crew of the Athena and cheapen their resolve. However, as mentioned recently we lost our Task Force Executive Officer, which means a slot has opened in the command structure of our Task Force. 

When it comes to choosing a new TFXO, it’s a rather difficult task. The health of the Fleet as a whole, and finding someone well loved is always a consideration. I am lucky beyond words to have such an amazing Task Force, with skilled writers and amazing people. This makes looking through the portfolios of the various members difficult to whittle down and make a decision, but I have done so. The person stepping into this role shouldn’t be a surprise, not should he be unfamiliar to anyone. As a dedicated member of the Task Force, and of Obsidian Fleet as a whole, his charm and love of bacon mean that wherever he goes there is a spot of brightness that follows. 

Please join me in congratulating Paul, who plays Captain Jacob Kane, in becoming our next Task Force Executive Officer. 


Should you have questions or concerns, you may reach me via email at [email protected], or should you need Captain Kane, he can be reached via [email protected]. Thank you all, and safe simming.