Earth, specifically San Francisco, is attacked and severely damaged by a small Breen Confederacy attack fleet consisting of at least eight vessels. Major civilian casualties are reported in the aftermath, due to the attack being primarily directed at a densely populated urban area rather than on military targets. Many of the casualties have ties with Starfleet, since the heart of Starfleet Operations is located in San Fransisco, Earth.
An allied fleet of Federation, Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian rebel ships launch an attack on Cardassia Prime. During the extended battle many vessels are lost, adding more casualties onto the already extensive death toll of the Dominion War.
During the battle Dominion and Breen forces were ordered to fight until their dying breath, not giving the alliance fleet any ground without a fight. All the while the Jem’Hadar forces on the surface were ordered to exterminate all Cardassians in retaliation of terrorist attacks on Dominion installations on the planet.
In a final push the Allied fleet is able to push through the planet’s defenses. The Dominion headquarters on the planet’s surface falls soon after, forcing the Dominion to surrender. It is said that this is the first time that the Dominion has been forced to do so.
Several days after the surrender of the Dominion during the lost battle over Cardassia Prime, representatives of the United Federation of Planets and the Dominion sign the Treaty of Bajor, officially bringing a halt to the conflict that is named the Dominion War by contemporary historians. As part of the treaty the borders of the major powers in the Alpha and Beta quadrants were reestablished back to their original states from before the Dominion incursion into the quadrants.
The war was devastating for all parties involved, with heavy losses for both those in the service of the different power’s military as well as millions upon millions of civilian casualties. After a census in the Cardassian Union it turned out that the Jem’Hadar had been able to kill upward of 800 million Cardassian civilians before the Dominion was forced to surrender, scarring and impacting the Union for generations to come.
As part of the Treaty UFP assets are allowed into the Gamma Quadrant for exploration and diplomatic purposes, but the UFP and its allies are barred from establishing strongholds or colonies on the other side of the wormhole.
In rebuilding after the losses during the Dominion War the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet commit to switching their focus from offence and defence oriented space-frames to exploration-based ones. This commitment doubles down on the core values of peaceful exploration held by the UFP and Starfleet.
After disappearing during the pursuit of a Maquis vessel in 2371, the Intrepid-class USS Voyager returns from the Delta Quadrant. In order to cross over 50,000 light-years in one jump they use one of the Borg’s Transwarp hubs.
Before they do, however, they deal a crippling blow to the Borg’s transwarp capabilities by destroying the conduit they use to travel through. It is believed that the damage caused in this assault is what delayed a quick retaliatory action from the Borg.
In the late 24th century, a briefing was put out for a new generation of long-range exploration-oriented starships. Even though the briefing was not for a ship specifically built for combat, it was to be able to defend itself in times of need much like the Constitution Class explorer in the prior century. Its primary mission was going to be long-range and long-term multipurpose exploration in uncharted space. Thus, the Luna Class Development Project was initiated in 2369 and originally fast-tracked because of the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole. The Luna Class was the prime candidate to explore the Gamma Quadrant and the vessel was armed accordingly. The new quantum torpedoes and the most powerful phaser arrays available were added to the design. The project was spearheaded by Dr. (Commander) Xin Ra-Havreil, a theoretical engineer at Utopia Planitia. Field testing of the USS Luna, the class prototype, began in 2372 in the Alpha Quadrant with production for 12 initial vessels to pick up shortly after. However, the conflict with the Dominion stopped the project cold as resources were quickly allocated to more combat-oriented designs.
After the Dominion War was over in 2375, Dr. Ra-Havreil lobbied for the Federation two revert back to the peaceful exploration of the cosmos, pushing the Luna Class development project as the design to make this come true. The initial design was revisited and updated with the newest advancements in technology for a ship of her class. The Luna Class ships was to become the main exploration space-frame for Starfleet.
The original run of 12 vessels was completed by the end of 2379, with Captain William Riker taking command of the USS Titan.
A Reman by the name of Shinzon kills the Romulan senate using some form of Thalaron radiation. Shinzon declares himself Praetor and extends an invitation to the United Federation of Planets to open up communications and broker a peace between the UFP and this new Romulan government. The USS Enterprise-E is sent to meet with the new leadership.
Once the Enterprise-E arrives, however, it turns out that Praetor Shinzon was using the negotiations as a guise to lure the captain of the vessel, Jean-Luc Picard, to Romulus. The crew of the Enterprise-E intervenes and is able to defeat the new Praetor, who had built a dreadnaught vessel armed with weapons capable of wiping out entire worlds.
After this failed coup, later named the ‘Reman revolution’, the initial approaches between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire that started during the Dominion War are continued, marking the beginning of a new era of peace for both powers. Several vessels are dispatched to the Romulan Neutral Zone in order to aid with the diplomatic negotiations with the Romulans, leading the task group is the newly commissioned Luna-class vessel USS Titan, under command of Captain William Riker.
It was unclear how much damage was done to the Borg Collective after the USS Voyager returned home to the Alpha quadrant. Any questions about that seemed to fade as in early 2380 the Borg launch an all out, full-frontal assault, on the United Federation of Planets.
This time their approach has shifted from the intent to assimilate the Federation into the intent to utterly destroy it. Their infamous opening hail, that even those that haven’t encountered Borg personally sometimes recite in their nightmares, changes and becomes even more harrowing. Rather than expressing the desire to assimilate their targets, they change to say that the Federation will be eradicated.
Still, they insist, resistance is futile.
Precipitated, in part, by the mass influx of refugees from the Borg Invasion, a large protest turns into a riot when local police attempts to intervene. There are huge material losses and some casualties on both sides. For the better part of a month the city of New Samarkand is put under Martial Law in order to contain the riots.
The Borg are relentless in their persuit of the total and utter annihilation of the Federation. Reeling from the sudden Blitz style attacks Starfleet scrambles to react. Unsuccessfully at first, but with the help of several ex-Borg, and extensive intell on the Borg from the USS Voyager records Starfleet is able to stabilise their defensive efforts, in part by devising an early warning system against Borg incursions.
The extended Borg incursions lead to the destruction of around 40% of the Starfleet’s assets. Estimates around the Alpha and Beta quadrants are that over 60 billion people lost their lives in this extended conflict.
Somewhere during this time one of the Borg Cubes appearing in Romulan space experiences a submatrix collapse, cutting it off from the collective and floating around the sector aimlessly. It is later reclaimed by the Romulans, and they established a Reclamation site in an effort to extract Borg technology.
At first the attacks on the Alpha quadrant seemed to have been aimed at solely the Federation. The other quadrant powers were happy to take a backseat. Even the long time allies in the Klingon Empire decided against taking immediate action. Once Starfleet seemed to get a foothold against the Borg old Dominion War alliances were rekindled. The Klingons had been itching for a fight ever since the Treaty of Bajor was signed and now they were able to get their fill. The Romulans responded to the incursion into their space, knowing that the Borg wouldn’t simply stop when the Federation was eradicated.
After taking heavy losses by the joint Alpha and Beta quadrant forces the Borg incursions started to wane. One last effort was made against some of the core worlds of the Federation but Starfleet was ready, and their allies stood by them. A decisive victory over the last wave of Borg vessels forced them to withdraw back to the Delta Quadrant.
There has been no sign of an active campaign by the Borg against the Alpha and Beta Quadrants since, though experts warn that this might not be the last we see of the cybernetic threat from the Delta quadrant.
Following the crippling extended conflict with the Borg, the Tholian Assembly spearheads the foundation of the Typhon Pact featuring the Romulan Star Empire, Breen Confederacy, Tzenkethi Coalition, Gorn Hegemony, Tholian Assembly and Holy Order of the Kinshaya. In the face of a crippled Federation and a bloodthirsty Klingon Empire, they seek protection in the treaty.
An important part of the pact revolves around cloaking technology, and all member states are granted access to Cloaking technology.
As the Cardassian Union continues to recover from the aftereffects of the Dominion War on their population, infrastructure. They are invited to attend a summit concerned with the expansion of the Khitomer Accords. They adopt some of the Accords’ outlined rules and regulations, bringing them closer together with the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire.
Following reports about the instability of the Romulan star, the UFP decides to reassign some of the resources aimed at helping the Cardassian Union rebuild to the evacuation efforts of Romulus and Remus.
The Cardassians get upset over the lost support and start rolling back on some of their support of the Khitomer Accords. They strengthen their relations with the Ferengi, who are eager to help to refinance and rebuild their infrastructure.
The decline in the Romulan Star Empire that had set in after the Reman revolution continues. Reports of the Romulan homeworld being threatened by a supernova only exacerbate political unrest. Creating new and volatile political movements in the core systems of the Empire.
Starfleet reallocates resources to the Romulan border, Obsidian Fleet receives additional ships under the mandate of peaceful support and to secure the area of the Romulan Neutral Zone.
Initial resettlement efforts are set underway by Starfleet, working together with the Romulan Star Empire. There is considerable political pressure to rescind the support efforts, especially in the wake of two devastating conflicts over the course of the past decade (The Dominion War and the Borg incursion). These dissenting voices within the UFP call for a more inward-facing policy to be implemented.
In the wake of United Federation of Planets efforts to help their long time adversary, the Romulan Star Empire, several Federation worlds threaten to secede from the UFP. At first, the discontent is quelled by the Federation President and the council, but it’s clear that a new more isolationist political movement is rearing its head in Federation politics.
The Neutral Zone was established in 2160 between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire to ensure peaceful co-existence between the two superpowers. The two governments agree that in light of the recent improvement in relations, and the pressure of the Romulan crisis, it should be dismantled. This dissolving of the zone makes it possible to resettle displaced Romulan citizens on planets in the zone hitherto uncolonised.
Without the presence of Captain Benjamin Sisko, and the fact that many of the dignitaries had been replaced or lost in one of the many conflicts between the original Bajoran application to the UFP and this renewed one, the Bajoran Republic is asked to retake several steps in order to join the Federation. During this period they are granted a probationary status as a Federation member. Efforts are made to prepare government bodies for the integration with the United Federation of Planets. During this time the Bajoran Militia and Starfleet also strengthen their bonds and participate in an extensive Officer Exchange programme in preparation of full integration.
Long time Federation ally Elim Garak, who was banished from the Cardassian Union during the Dominion War, is elected to the highest office in Cardassia. As part of his policies, and building on strong bonds with Starfleet, there are renewed efforts to tighten relations with all of the Khitomer Accords signatories. Through personal connections with the Ferengi Grand Nagus, the Cardassian Union makes an effort to become less reliant on UFP support. In this effort the Cardassians also begin courting the Typhon Pact, positioning themselves as a more neutral party in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.
A devastating attack is launched by an unknown culprit using the Synthetic workforce in the shipyards. Before the attack Utopia Planetia was one of Starfleet’s biggest and most prolific shipyards. The attack results in 92,143 casualties, many of which are prominent members of the Starfleet Engineering corps. As a result of the attacks Mars’ atmosphere is greatly affected, taking some poetic license news agencies report that the martian skies are burning. The reality of the situation is that the planet, and its construction yards remain uninhabitable up to the current day.
Following the massive losses in the brutal attack on Utopia Planetia the United Federation of Planets takes the decision to cease development and production of synthetic lifeforms. This is due to the resulting investigation designating a rogue group of synthetics as the main culprit of the assault.
Research surrounding synthetic lifeforms is severely limited. The Daystrom Institute all but shuts down The Division of Advanced Synthetic Research, limiting the research to theoretical study only. Part of this decision was fuelled by the fact that the synthetic workforce employed at Utopia Planetia was developed and produced by this division.
Following the loss of the evacuation fleet, which was being built and bolstered at the Utopia Planetia shipyards, the United Federation of Planets decides to call off the evacuation efforts, citing shortages in resources and personnel following the devastating terrorist attack. Following the attack, and the subsequent decisions, several prominent members of Starfleet and the UFP resign their commissions and positions, ushering in a new political era for the Federation.
The Vesta-class project is a prototype space-frame built to incorporate a Quantum Slipstream Drive (QSD). The basic frame survived the raid at Utopia due to being in one of the upper space docks, and was transferred to San Francisco Yards for completion after being recovered.
Most of the project staff survive thanks to being decentralised at various research outposts in the Sol System.
With the loss of most of the Federations support, and the chaos following the sudden loss of the evacuation resources, the former Romulan Neutral Zone becomes a wild west for black markets, criminal syndicates, and others that look to profit off the situation. The Fenris Rangers’ manifesto released, stating their intent to protect vulnerable worlds, and individuals, located in the Qiris sector. Reports start coming in of Fenris Ranger assets patrolling, and engaging vessels, on both sides of the former Romulan Neutral Zone.
Despite several setbacks in the development of the Vesta-class and the Quantum Slipstream technology the engineering team assigned to the project is able to deliver the first vessel of its class after a 2-year construction cycle. The initial prototype vessel is named the USS Vesta, and serves as a proof of concept for the new technology incorporated into the vessel’s design.
The central star of the Romulan home system goes supernova in an unprecedented fashion. While later reports indicate that the star’s instability had been known since around 2381, it’s still an extremely short cycle for a celestial event of that magnitude. The supernova Destroys the Romulan Star Empire’s home system, including Romulus and Remus. Billions of lives are lost, later the claim is squarely put on the political caste for abandoning the common people.
Klingons take advantage of the unrest in Romulan territory and several incursions are reported. The Federation attempts to intervene in the conflict. In retaliation, the Klingons put the Khitomer accords on hold. They do not, however, at any point officially leave the accords.
The Gorn retaliate against the Klingons in an attempt to halt the Klingon advance. Other members of the Typhon pact stand by their Romulan allies politically but don’t take military action against the Klingon Empire in fear of retribution.
Following their support, a temporary alliance is formed between what remains of the Romulan Star Empire and the Gorn Hegemony. Their concerted efforts are aimed at splitting the Klingon Defence Forces among two fronts, making large strides in their efforts to annex territory difficult at best.
Despite revoking their support Starfleet recognises a need for a stable Beta Quadrant. Thus they attempt to keep the peace by patrolling the battle lines between the Romulan / Gorn alliance and the Klingon Empire assets. Skirmishes are reported between Klingon and Federation assets. Whilst the Federation goes on record to state that the Council does not see this as an act of war, they do announce some political repercussions for the Klingon Empire, slowing and cooling relations with the Federation’s oldest allies.
Obsidian Fleet HQ receives orders to reassign Task Force 72 assets to the Typhon Pact region of space to help strengthen the border. Obsidian Fleet Admirals voice their concerns with how this will stretch their assets. Starfleet Command responds by assigning new ships and resources to the Fleet and ordering the construction of several new outposts.
Romulan separatists, having hidden away since the days of the Reman Revolution and spurred on by the abandonment of the common people by the Political caste, take the opportunity of the Romulan-Klingon conflict to strike. A civil war breaks out within the borders of the Romulan Star Empire between what remains of the Romulan Star Empire and these revolutionaries.
The separatists that spurred on the civil war declare themselves the Romulan Republic, they gain traction particularly within the ranks of the Romulan military and entire colonies quickly show their allegiance to this new Romular government.
Through infighting, politics, and military conflict the Romulan Star Empire falls apart into several factions vying for control over what remains of their territory. The majority of the organisation known as the Tal’Shiar backs the Romulan Free State, immediately propelling it to dominance through both open and covert operations against those that would oppose the Romulan Free State.
After backing out of joining the Federation at the last moment back in 2372 the renewed Bajoran bid for Federation membership finally clears the final hurdle. As a result the probationary membership is turned into a full, active, membership. Bajoran military assets are folded into Starfleet and local government is fully reformed and integrated with the United Federation of Planets. Bajor is granted a seat in the Federation Council.
After a period of relative peace within their own borders, a rebuilding of Starfleet in earnest starts. The focus of which is to strengthen the internal defense. Starfleet is still not back at pre-Borg invasion levels of military strength and the UFP gravitates more and more towards isolationist policies.
After extensive testing, redesign, refits and after the set back of the horrendous attack on Utopia Planetia, The Vesta Project, better known to most as the Quantum Slipstream Drive (QSD) project was declared a success by Admiral Henry Markstrom. After 5 tumultuous years of work, Starfleet was entering a new era of exploration after years of a more inward focus. Along with the declaration of success in the Vesta Project, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers also announced plans to refit several older classes of starships with the Slipstream Drive thanks to lessons learned from Voyager’s own success with the drive and from the design of the Vesta Class. However several months later on a return trip from the Delta Quadrant, the namesake for the project, the USS Vesta disappears. After several more months of extensive searches by a multitude of Starfleet ships and her allies, the ship is officially declared missing and the QSD program put on hold as it was known the Vesta itself was in transit with the drive when she disappeared. Existing keels are finished with their installed drives, though Commanding Officers are forbidden from using them, and new ships of the class are constructed without the drive. All refits of older classes were put on hold.
After the Vesta’s reappearance and a subsequent thorough investigation about the circumstances of its disappearance, the QSD project is once again implemented. Some small adjustments are made to the QSD in order to prevent similar issues from reoccurring on future uses of the QSD.
Classes designated for retrofitting are the Sovereign, Intrepid, Luna, Prometheus, and Odyssey Class and work begins right away on installing these drives. In some of these classes, the retrofitting is more extensive to accommodate for the increased power requirement and infrastructure needs to successfully run the QSD long term.
With the internal struggles of the former Romulan Star Empire, following the destruction of their homeworlds and the ongoing civil war, the collapse of the Typhon Pact looks more and more likely.
Without the steering influence of a strong and united Romulan Star Empire, the Breen Confederacy begins more aggressive actions against the Federation and Ferengi.
In addition, the Tzkenthi begin operating outside their borders and closer to Federation space. Ongoing skirmishes are reported on these fronts.