The launch of the new Obsidian Fleet site has brought with it a huge amount of work for I&D – much of which has now been completed.
We’ve seen the migration of all specifications over to the new site, as well as adjustment to the current ship categories. There is still much more work to be done, but this is a great start so far. I would ask all players and COs in the Fleet for your continued patience as this work continues.
The addition of the Vesta class will offer COs a fun new platform from which to launch their continuing adventures. While limited in deployment to 1 per TF for the moment, the Vesta will no doubt prove to be a keystone of the Fleet in the future.
August will see I&D continuing to update and refresh the specs, and there will be an overall review of all ship classes in the coming weeks to be considered for retirement / reduced duty – more on that soon.
- Vesta Class Deep Range Explorer
Goals for August:
- Continue the migration, adjustment and review of ship and technology specifications Fleet-wide.
- Creation of regular content for the new OF site forums.
- Complete review of vessels tagged for retirement / reduced duty.
Rear Admiral Samuel “Bish” Bishop
Innovation and Development
Obsidian Fleet