Task Force 47 August 2018 Report

Written Bydulac
Published On
4 September 2018

So, I’m a little early with my report this month. That’s down to me flying out to Lanzarote 14 and a half hours after I’m sitting down to write this report up. So, it’s going to be a short and sweet one, a bit more punchy, a bit less punny.

So, let’s start with the summary. It’s with great sorrow that I announce that the USS Valkyrie has shuttered earlier this week. She’s been a fine sim and it almost feels like taking down part of the furniture. However, to take over her spot in 47, we are opening up applications for the Merian class USS Schrodinger. Yes, I was given options as to which of the ship names for the class I wanted, and yes, it was influenced by THAT episode of the Big Bang Theory. But that’s neither here nor there and trying to be punchy, stop distracting me!

Total Number of Ships: 23
Number of Ships with CO’s: 13
Number of Active Sims: 12
Number of Open Commands: 10

As of this moment, the Open Commands are as follows:

USS Constitution (Constitution AU Class)
USS Intrepid (Constitution AU Class)
USS Hercules (Prometheus Class)
USS Juno (Vesta Class)
USS Resolute (Defiant Class)
USS Cross (Insignia Class)
USS Livingstone (Nebula Class)
USS Schrodinger (Merian Class)
USS Harbinger (Luna Class)
Starbase 80 (Celestial Class Starbase)

If you are interested in any of these commands, please feel free to shoot a line. I will, however, flag that I am on LOA between the 5th and the 12th of September, so please bare that in mind regarding response times.

I also opened the floor for CO’s to give me a list of open positions to include in this report. I only received a few before the deadline but they are as follows:

USS Imperator:

Chief Flight Control Officer

USS Defiant (Costitution AU Class):

Chief Security Officer
Science Specialist – Biology

USS Merlin (Excalibur Class):

Chief Counselor

USS Sarek (Sovereign Class):

Chief Engineering Officer
Marine Commanding Officer

USS Centaurus (Galaxy Class):

Chief Operations Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Science Officer

Now, awards.

Silver: USS Merlin: “Commander Barstow has done phenomenally this month, getting his post count way up there with the likes of Archimedes and Pioneer in previous months. He runs a tight ship with some really fun plots, and it’s with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to not only award his sim with the silver UoM but also announce his promotion to Captain. Well done.” (Rear Admiral Oliver Lancaster, TFCO, TF47)

Gold: USS Centaurus: “This ship has hit the ground running. A new CO at the helm. The new Commander has not only recruited enough players to have his ship be operational when released from Shakedown but has also blown though the Academy with flying colors. With all of this, starting a ship and getting through Command Academy the crew of the USS Centaurus also managed a whopping 4.8 posts per person! Great job!!” (Captain Nn’khiy Solius, TGCO, TG47-C)

Well done to the winners and congratulations to Captain Barstow. I honestly had to double check the emails we exchanged when you first took command to believe you’d been running the sim in it’s current form for as long as you had! But again, stop distracting me, I’m down to 13 and a half hours and need 8 for sleep!

Fortunately, that about sums it up. The TF is in about the same position it was last month but I’m confident that we’ll be able to improve things, and am determined to close this year out stronger than we came in! Any issues between now and the 12th, please raise them with either the TFXO (Commodore Alenis Meru) or any of the applicable TGCO’s (Captain John Barstow, Captain Brett Watson or Captain Nn’khiy Solius). Happy September everyone and I will see you in a week!