Fleet Council Vacancies!

Written Bydulac
Published On
2 September 2018

Hello dear friends!

I come to you today with joyous news! The Fleet Council has not one, but two (yes, two!) open positions! If either of these sound like your preferred measurement of beverage at a desired temperature read on!

Director of Fleet Services

Programmer (noun.) – A person who fixed a problem you don’t know you have, in a way you don’t understand.

Do you crave the excitement of well placed code? Are you a natural problem solver that has an aptitude for all things technological? If so, we’re looking for you!

Obsidian Fleet is looking for technologically minded individual to take on the role of Director of Fleet Services. This job would handle all the day to day functions of maintaining the newly updated IFS-2 platform, as well working hand in hand with du Lac and the Fleet Council to develop new web services for the Fleet . If you’ve got the drive to help make Obsidian Fleet a better place one line of code at a time, than this is the job for you!

The Director of Fleet Services is a voting Fleet Council member. Do you think you have what it takes to handle this role? Sign up today. Email: [email protected]

Director of Communications

Obsidian Fleet is looking for a resident Diplomat. Someone who knows, understands and enjoys implementing Social Media based solutions to improve and market the Fleet. We’re looking for a creative, capable and diplomatic individual to be the face of Obsidian Fleet to the outside world and a communication hub for the Fleet itself.

The DoC would also be responsible for the always coveted awards systems, ensuring that our quality players and skippers are recognized for their hard work and quality simming.

The Director of Communications is a voting Fleet Council member. Do you think you have what it takes to handle this role? Sign up today. Email: [email protected]

So if either of these sound slightly interesting or the sort of thing you want to do, email the Joint Fleet Command Today!