Another month, another report with Task Force 72 taking the lead. February was a quiet month all things considered. We have some more ideas forming with our war games, and I will be providing additional details in a supplemental report later this month to flesh out the posting logistics and more on the ships and scenarios.
Task force Status
We do not have any new or departing sims to announce this month. All things considered it was a steady showing for our players and simulation leaders alike. We will be including new simulations choices for our open postings, so I encourage interested COs to reach out to the command staff. We have more options at your disposal for a new simulation than meets the eye.
I am, however, happy to announce that the leaders of Task Groups 72B and 72C are no longer mere captains but commodores! Sean and Becca have, like the rest of the task force leadership, provided strong, steady guidance to their task groups over the last several months. Whether its developing new COs, taking charge of fleet communications, or stepping up to the plate to accept additional responsibilities these two have proven themselves to be trusted and capable leaders. So please, everyone join me in congratulating the TGCOs of 72 B and C on their promotion to Commodore. It’s long overdue and well deserved!
Open Commands
Task Force 72 B: Three openings including one installation and two vessels. Inquire within!
Task Force 72 C: Two openings including one installation and one vessel. Inquire within!
Unit of Merit
For this month I’m pleased to announce our silver unit of merit winner. We have a few unorthodox simulations in TF 72 including the Mary Rose, SS Fawkes, Langley Station, and Haumea colony. February saw some great progress made across all these simulations, but one stood out in particular to me and the command staff: Haumea Colony. While handling a format transition and an unconventional setting the simulation really hit its stride. From the TGCO:
I’m sending my nomination to Haumea Colony. A transition to NOVA can be hard, and they have taken it in stride, and even seemed to come out on top. They have seen some amazing growth, fairly good posting numbers, and some serious OF team spirit. I am excited to have them in my TG, and more excited to have them in the Fleet!
Congrats to the players of the colony! Very well done and well deserved! I look forward to seeing what everyone brings to the table this month. As always if you have questions or are looking for ways to get involved please contact the command staff. We’re always happy and ready to assist!