Another quiet month, IRL Dailies need to be complete. We are hoping a patch in the future will fix this bug.
As the winter draws in, I’d like to look towards the small and dynamic team I have to see how we can operate, though everyone is getting on with things well.
Operational Report
Our current simulations are doing well, NX-05 Atlantis has been setup and have joined the family so we are pleased to have them.
TF29 needs to be setup in IFS to ensure reports come through correctly, though as the site is undergoing some changes, this will need to be added to the ‘to do’ list for du Lac, as there are more pressing matters to attend.
I still looking at unique ways that I can recognise the skills and dedication of our members, these will act differently to standard awards and recognition due to the nature of the Task Force and we’ll be discussing more of this in the future.
Short Term Objectives
Fix or set up a temporary 29 Application form.
The naming convention for the Task Groups to be decided.
Task Force meetings to be discussed. Who doesn’t love a free bar?