Ladies, Gentlemen and invited Transgendered species, welcome to the first Task Force 47 report of
2020. My goal here is to give you all a summary of the Task Force as it stands right now along with
the hopes for 2020, and maybe, just maybe, to do all of that in 500 words or less. To that end, I’ll
preface with there’s no UoM this month, saving an entire section later. So far, so good, 87 words in
by this paragraphs end. 413 to go.
So, let’s get the summary out of the way early.
• Total Ships: 16
• Ships with CO’s: 8
• Open Commands: 8
So currently we have half of the Task Force filled, with 47B and C active while 47A keeps the open
Commands safe. This leads me to our open commands which will lead me to our next point. See,
methodology is present I just mask it with total and utter insanity.
Open Commands are:
• USS Arcadia (Elysium Class)
• USS August (Nova Class)
• USS Centaurus (Galaxy Class)
• USS Cross (Insignia Class)
• USS Harbinger (Luna Class)
• USS Hercules (Prometheus Class)
• USS Livingstone (Nebula Class)
• USS Schrodinger (Merian Class)
If you wish to apply for any of these commands, or wish to discuss taking over another sim, please
contact me via at [email protected] or on discord at @BenjiMan#5762 . No such thing as a
silly enquiry, only silly answers, with which I am always happy to try to entertain!
We finished on steady numbers from the last few months of 2019, and while not quite as strong
figures as we had at the end of 2018, given how our hobby is one which is continually being spread
further and further, I’m still happy with where we are at this moment in time, with a view for
expansion moving forward.
So, now let’s get to the next point. Hopes for the Task Force in 2020. This year, the hope is to get
the Task Force’s storyline going. It is still in progress of being broken, and once that is done, we will
contact you all, hopefully within the next month, in order to develop that story with you all. Our
hope is that we can get each and every sim in the Task Force can run at least one mission advancing
the plot. Obviously, this will be optional but would be a cool way to build community and
camaraderie in the Task Force.
To further that end of community building, Starbase Sirius, the Task Force hub that was announced
a few months back, will officially open later this month, with any and all sims being able to put in
docking requests at .
Of course, community building also means community development which is why another goal is
to increase the Task Force’s number of sims with CO’s by 25% in the next six months and then
another 25% each six months thereafter until we’ve got a full community here.
And that brings me to the end of this Task Force report. Happy New Year, of course, and I hope you
all enjoy this one as much as I did the last. You’ve all been an absolute pleasure to talk with and
write with and joke with and I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you not
just to those of you in 47, but to everyone in the fleet. In particular, a massive, MASSIVE thank you
to our Community Engagement Director and to Task Force 72’s TFCO, without whom I probably
would’ve gone (more) nuts and may not even still have been writing after we went through a rough
patch. You all kept me going, but those two in particular are some of the very best people in this
Fleet, and I feel they deserve nothing but good things for the year ahead, and will go all Joe from
You on anyone who says otherwise.
By the way, if you haven’t watched that show, do it, it’s amazing! Penn Badgley’s performance is
phenomenal. Almost as much as Riker’s Beard. Almost.
On that note, may the beard protect you all! Our final word count is;
711. Next time, I’ll get closer to that 500 mark!