As you may have seen on the Discord server, there’s been more than a few changes here recently. To that end, the Joint Fleet Command would like to announce that all formally, as well as announce a few new things. Let’s start at the beginning.
After more than 10 years of service and dedication, Admiral Sharr has decided to step away from the Joint Fleet Command and Obsidian Fleet as a Commanding Officer. I know he’ll be missed. His contributions to the Fleet over the last ten years are immeasurable.
With Sharr’s departure, that leaves a vacancy in the Triadic office. Following the remaining Triad, and Sharr’s recommendation, the Fleet Council has ratified Gregnol/Goldun (Communications Director) to take on the third Triad role. Please join me in wishing her the best of luck in this new posting.
But wait, there’s more… a few announcements to make in addition to the changing of the guard in the JFC’s office…
First, promotions. With the departure of Admiral Sharr as TFCO of TF29, that role will now be filled by Travani Dal (current Academy Director). And with his departure from the Academy, the role of Academy Director will be filled by the former Deputy Director of the Academy, Kayim Falor. Please make both of them feel at home in their new roles.
Now, lastly, a bit of structural changes…
To date, the structure of Obsidian Fleet has always been Task Force based, with individual Task Groups within that breakdown. Given the community based structure of communications these days, and the real-time method in which its done the Fleet Council has agreed to restructure this format into something that we believe will reinforce the TFCO’s interaction with all the simms and allow for a more involved and collaborative environment.
As it stands currently, each Task Force has one remaining TGCO and as of this announcement that TGCO is to be named TFXO. Additionally, the individual Task Groups within each Task Force will be eliminated, creating one group – the Task Force.
As always, questions, concerns, our door’s open.
Admirals DuLac, Sepandiyar and Gregnol
Joint Fleet Command