TF29 Report – May 2021

Written Bydulac
Published On
26 June 2021

For the month of May there isn’t a whole lot new and exciting to report for TF 29. What we’re looking at right now is how best to move forward with this eclectic group of Simms, so if any of y’all have any suggestions, ideas, general praise for leadership, feel free to drop me a line.

Complaints, feel free to email to DuLac.

We’re always looking for qualified, steady heads at the CoNN so if you’re interested in the center chair we have plenty of simms to choose from. If you’re interested in running a simm, or have a great idea for something that’s outside the Prime norm, 29 is the place to be!

Task Force Ops

There were no new games into TF29 this month. There were a couple of conversations during the month about potential new Simms coming in, but neither of them panned out into an application. It happens. But if you know someone interested, please point them my way!


TF29 trucks on. I’d love to see more activity from all of our Simms, regardless of awards given or not. This month didn’t see any marked uptick in activity or action that I feel worthy of UoM’s. Let’s see what we get in June!

Looking forward to a great June! Questions, concerns, comments, well wishes and donations are welcome anytime, my door’s open for you.