Q4 Fleet Wide Gold Unit Of Merit Vote

Written ByEhestri
Published On
22 January 2022

As you all should know Unit Of Merits were changed to reward quality and ships that are continuously doing well. As you are aware since then, we have had only silver UoM’s awarded each month, quarterly awarded gold from the silver awards and end of the year platinum awarded from the gold unit of merit winners.

It is now that time again to vote for what ship that received silver in the final quarter of 2021 deserves the gold unit of merit award for quarter 4. This vote is the final thing that needs to happen to allow the fleet to then vote for the year-end awards.

The fleet vote for Quarter 4 unit of merit gold award will start from now till Saturday 29th at 19:00 GMT.

Haumea Colony

USS Arcadia

Vote here