Written ByHawkins
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August has come and gone. It was a quiet month to say the least. In the task force, we are seeing slower numbers which I am hoping that they were only due to changing gears and hoping to see more writing come along as well.  

So the next to report, I have been looking to add the following genre ideas. Here are the following in mind. These are just some ideas, and teasers, but not the only willing to add to the task force:

  • X-Men: Civil War
  • Star Wars: Among the Shadows
  • Starship Trooper: New Tides
  • Stargate Worlds: Memphis Island
  • The Jackdaw:  (an Orville SIM)

Each of these are just ideas and do have some ideas in mind. But if you or anyone else have other ideas that they want to try and see come to life, reach out to me and let me know. Now onto the basic info from the Task Force this month. Pretty basic and easy to report.

Arrivals, Changes and Departures

None to report.


Our current numbers: 

Active Sims: 2

Open Commands: 5 

RIO: 0

47th Recruiting Listing

Solar Force

(Power Ranger Simulation)

  • Not Actively Recruiting

Stargate Command

(Stargate Simulation)

X-Men: Civil War

(X-Men Simulation)

  • Administrator/Professor/Commander

Star Wars: Among the Shadows

(Star Wars Simulation)

  • Administrator

Starship Trooper: New Tides

(Starship Troopers  Simulation)

  • Administrator (Commanding Officer)

Stargate Worlds: Memphis Island

(Stargate Simulation)

  • Administrator (Base Commander/Leader)

The Jackdaw

(The Orville Simulation)

  • Administrator (Commanding Officer)


These are 


No pending promotions this month. 

Unit of Merit

For this month, I have to do a shoot out to the successful Solar Force under the leadership of Ben aka Red Ranger Damien McGinnis. Against all expectations of a non Star Trek SIM, this small community has blown the numbers quite well with great story writing and creativity. Keep it up and be very proud of you guys! Keep it up and I can promote you to the Gold Ranger!!!

Solar Force (August 2022)


Augus has flown by and we are now in September. Personally and professionally, this month is going to be seriously busy. So even though this Task Force isn’t quite that big as of yet, I will say that there is someone always around to answer questions in some way, fashion, form. We are excited to see some major growth and creativity. But most of all, enjoyment and relaxation with little to no stress.

Should anyone have questions or concerns, you may reach me via email at [email protected] or on Discord. Thank you, and get back to simming!