Happy New Year!
December has come and gone, and for me at least that means the cold has subsided. Yesterday was 2° out and everything. That’s 35° for those of you who use the bad temperature system. Apologies this has been delayed, I have been a bit distracted since the end of December myself and been away from the computer. I’ll make up for that at the end of the report.
It was a slower month for 72, as most Decembers are. Holidays and time off made it so overall the month was down for most, though definitely not a failure by any means for most. We saw some strong stories, and some stronger holiday themed posts pop up that brought smiles to people. Then we rang in the new year!
January appears to be off to a strong start from what I see, so I am excited to see what happens!
Arrivals, Changes and Departures
No changes this month.
Our current numbers:
Active Sims: 8
Open Commands: Yes
RIO: 2
72nd Recruiting Listing
U.S.S. Vesta
(Vesta Class)
- All Assistant Department Heads
- Junior Department Positions
U.S.S. Athena
(Prometheus Class)
- Not Actively Recruiting
U.S.S. Mercutio
(Akira Class)
- Chief Diplomatic Officer
- Chief Operations Officer
U.S.S. Gladiator
(Sovereign class)
- Chief Counselor
- Group Starfighter Commander
Haumea Colony
(Colony Class)
- Chief Science Officer
- Chief Operations Officer
- Chief Tactical Officer
U.S.S. Hiroshima
(Vesta Class)
- Chief Security/Tactical Officer
- Chief Science Officer
- Chief Engineering Officer
(Stardock Starbase)
- Tower Control Officer
- Engineering/Maintenance Personnel
- Security/Tactical Specialists
- Science/Medical Specialists
- Civilian Workforce
(Constitution Refit)
- Ships Doctor
- Armoury Chief
- Operations Chief
- Fenris Ranger Liaison
A New Sim Coming Soon!
(Reliant Class)
- Command Positions
- Others to come
*See Minawara for Details to get involved!
If there is a ship not listed that you might be interested in, do not hesitate to reach out, I will happily look into it for you.
After last month’s excitement, there are no promotions this month.
Unit of Merit
No Unit of Merit this month.
I have managed to sneak in and file this report for all of you, and I promised a reward for letting me delay so. I’d love for you all to meet my lovely daughter.

With her here, I will apologize if I am slow to respond still. My wife and I are still settling in, so things have been a bit… tiring. If you need something immediate and I am unavailable, reach out to either Paul, or the other members of the Fleet Council who will be happy to help. Have a wonderful rest of your January, and we’ll see you in February.
Should you have questions or concerns, you may reach me via email at [email protected], or should you need Captain Kane, he can be reached via [email protected]. Thank you all, and safe simming.