The Golden PADD, also known as the Short Story Competition, is returning in its original form for Obsidian Week, in this competition we challenge our creative players to write a short story of 3500 words or less. There are no genre limitations just like the fleet now, allowing our writers to submit anything they wish.
Once you have figured out what story you are to write, submit your interest by sending an email with the following details to; [email protected]
- Your Name:
- Your Age:
- Simms that you are on:
- Story Title: (this can be changed later)
- Age Rating:
Once you’ve done this, you will officially be entered into the competition!
It is only fair that you are told the criteria you are going to be put against, so here it is;
Premise/Concept 10%
Does the writer engage the reader’s attention immediately? Is tone, setting and character established promptly? Is the premise/Concept logical, or too far-fetched?
Presentation 20%
Is writing fresh and free of clichés? Does it reveal the writer’s vision and attitude clearly? Are viewpoint changes and pacing handled smoothly?
Characters & Dialogue 15%
Are characters believable, and well-rounded? Are actions and interactions consistent and well-motivated?
Theme 10%
Does the theme represent what has been set down? Does it correspond to current knowledge from fans? Is it believable?
Plot 30%
Does progression seem inevitable without being too predictable? Is the story exciting and compelling to read?
Style/Tone 15%
Are grammar and punctuation correct? Spelling accurate? Is the manuscript professionally prepared? Are details consistent and correct?
Q: Will the story that is submitted need to be new?
A: Yes. The story must be written between the 17th June and the 17th of July.
Q: What format must the submission be in?
A: Formats must be in either g form or Word Document format only, other formats will be disqualified.
Q: It is the middle of the writing period and you are finished.
A: That’s great, but do you want to submit it yet? We will only accept the first submission and no revisions so, ensure you have it perfect!
Q: Can I submit my entry after the deadline?
A: No. Entries after the 17th of July will be disqualified.
Q: Are ‘fan fiction’ stories allowed?
A: Absolutely!
Q: Can I write with someone else, as a joint effort?
A: Yes, of course. Just state you are working as a team in your submission, and provide the contact details for your partner(s)! Working as a team will also mean you share the prize!
Q: Will crossover fiction be allowed, such as Star Trek/Star Wars?
A: No. The story must remain within your chosen genre. You cannot cross genres or brands, so no Star Trek vs Star Wars stories.
Q: You said any genre is allowed?
A: Correct. You can write any story you wish to tell, so long as it is your work and is completed between now and the 17th July. You can write in any genre, in any brand, you wish.
Q: Can the story be above, or below, the word count limit?
A: This is up to the judges. If your story is 10% either way, the judges will not mark it down, however, they may if it is significantly out and of detriment to the story. So be careful!
Q: I’m dyslexic, will this count against me?
A: There are many online tools to support people with additional needs, such as Google Drive, Grammarly (free or premium) and more. The criteria set above are for everyone and no special provisions can, or will, be made.
Q: Are canon characters allowed?
A: No, all characters must be new.
Q: Who are the judges?
A: Only Fluffy knows the answer.
Q: Can I bribe a judge?
A: Ask yourself, do you feel lucky?
Q: I’m not confident I can write a story can I help in another way
A: We need judges
Q: What are the prizes?
A: 3000 xp on Discord and complete bragging rights for the next year that you hold the Golden Padd with a special Discord role.
If there are any questions, please contact Ehestri