How is summer already over??
Whilst there is not much to report overall in regards to new things there are a lot of things happening that are continuous things like discord events, social media engagement and generally being around in discord doing what the comms team does best.
You may have seen on our discord sever that we have a bot called Polaris and we have a channel that now has a leaderboard. The more you chat in the general channels the more XP you get.
The current top ten are ::
1 – Ehestri
2 – Gary Taylor
3 – du Lac🤬
4 – Cam – Lore Director
5 – not an earthquake
6 – Emu – XMen: Avalon
7 – The Man Paul – USS Athena – 72XO
8 – Sepandiyar
9 – Nikki
10 – JilliBn

You can earn points in many ways with engagement – like socials, running events or in this case if you summon me on Discord and tell me your favourite villain you will get 200 points.
The next couple of events are:
23 September 2023 20:00 BST – Monopoly
21 October 2023 20:00 BST – Halloween Quiz
If you did not know we also have the following social media that we manage. This month we have added Instagram. Every follow, click and like counts towards getting us out there to potential players. If anyone has anything they want to add to social media let us know.
Like on Facebook
Follow on Twitter
Follow on Instagram
Join us on Discord
Listen to our Podcast
Like on Threads.
If you subscribe or like any of our social media accounts you will get polaris 500 points per social. Just need to let me know.
We are looking for people to talk to on our podcast or suggest content. If you have a passion for a subject reach out and speak to us but we have had suggestions that we would love to have people appear for.
We currently have three episodes in editing so there will be more coming your way soon. I just need to get the space in my house sorted to set up a laptop we will routine to a normal routine.
We need everyone – players and GMs alike – to submit news stories. These could be anything from an extraordinary mission on your sim to a great post you want to see everyone talking about. Game Masters, please remember we have sim, post, character and mission spotlights to shout out to everyone about how awesome you guys are as well as the rarely used news item for purely Opinion/Editorial.
It also doesn’t take long to get them approved either you just need to summon any member of the fleet council on Discord in IFS3 for help.
This month my final thoughts for you all are some of the social media posts that we have been putting out::