Written ByEhestri
Published On
2 November 2023
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Hello everyone

It is that time again and you may be looking at me like I am going mad as it is only November and normally this is a January thing. Well, my friends I am changing things up this year and want to get all this year’s stuff done this year so we can start fresh next year and jump straight into the things we have planned.

You will also see that there are 2 new year-end awards to recognise more people for more reasons its not just the command staff and character.

Community Maker of the Year:: The people who who make things community-oriented outside of the command staff. They are active at both the Game and Fleet level and constantly being the cheerleaders.

Player of the Year award:: They might not write the best character (they very much also might write the best and be brilliant all around) but they are your favourite person to write with, they are the reliable players of your games who constantly push stories forward and I want to see examples.

Nominations will be open from now until 19:00 GMT on 25th November.


This award is given annually and is decided upon by nominations from fleet members. Sample posts are not required, but reasons for the nomination are required with a min of 100 words and max of 150.  


This award is given annually and is decided upon by nominations from fleet members. Sample posts are not required, but reasons for the nomination are required with a min of 100 words and max of 150.  

(Formerly commanding officer of the year)


This award is given annually each year and is decided upon by nominations from fleet members. Sample posts are not required, but reasons for the nomination are required with a min of 100 words and max of 150.  

(Formerly executive officer / second officer of the year)


New for 2023

This award is given annually each year and is decided upon by nominations from fleet members. Nominees must be active in both the game and the wider community. Reasons for the nomination are required with a min of 100 words and max of 150.  


New for 2023

This award is given annually each year and is decided upon by nominations from fleet members. Examples of being a great player will be required in the form of screenshots or examples included in min of 100 words but max is 200.

To give your nominee the best chance we’ve put together some quick tips on how to write your awards nomination to give your nominee the best chance:

  • Don’t be ‘boring’ – we would prefer to read about the specific differences a person has made to the ship, fleet or plot rather than generic phrases such as ‘they’re a really nice person’ ‘behind every great GM there is a greater Asst Gm’ or ‘they’ve made a difference’. How have they made a difference? How have they excelled in the plot? How are they unique?
  • All nominations must be min 100 words. Max 150. Unless Player of the year.
  • Use plain English when writing your nomination.
  • While there is no restriction on the number of nominations, please don’t just copy-and-paste nominations. Duplicates will be removed. If two or more people have done something similar, rather than submitting identical nominations for them you could think carefully about which specific aspects they have outshined in.
  • And finally, make sure you proofread the final version of the nomination as they will be shown to the wider fleet to allow people to vote.

Good luck to everyone