The observant among you might have noticed we missed December FleetComms. That’s because we were busy preparing our annual Obsidian Fleet awards! (Definitely not me getting busy and forgetting. Shhhhh.)
Yes, it’s that time of year where we encourage our community to acknowledge the bright sparks and heroes who make our games fun and welcoming! We have four categories for annual nomination:
GM of the Year
Which of our community Game Masters has inspired you the most? Who has set their game up to be a wonderful sandbox of creativity?
Asst GM of the Year
Often the unsung heroes of our communities – which AGM has done an outstanding job at supporting their game by getting people involved and propping up their GM with coffee and kind words?
Player of the Year
Which of your peers has had a great year, despite what is going on with their characters? Maybe they have an army of interesting NPCs, or perhaps they’re a pillar of their game’s community? Examples and inspiration welcome!
Character of the Year
Not to be confused with the previous award: which of our protagonists (or antagonists) has stood out to you this year? Perhaps they went through a series of challenges and came out the other side having grown some? Or it could be that they just made you laugh with their misadventures.
Nominations can be submitted via form here. Nominations close on 31st January and will be announced in January’s FleetComms.