Joint Fleet Command Report – July 2017

Written Bydulac
Published On
9 August 2017

Wow, what a month it’s been for the Joint Fleet Command and the Fleet.

Hello IFS2

The most notable event of this month has been the launch of the new Fleet logo and IFS2, the platform for our new website. You’ll find it at for now. We’re busy developing more new features over the next few months so keep visiting as we develop it!

Goodbye to some dear friends

This month saw Admirals Lindsay and Hawke retire from the Joint Fleet Command.  In response to both other members of the JFC stepping down, the Fleet Council asked me (Admiral du Lac) to return to the JFC. Both myself and Admiral Sharr would like to thank them both for their service to the Fleet and commitment to the Fleet throughout.

Obsidian Day

We had our first ever Obsidian Day on July 29th! If you missed what happened …

  • We announced the Task Force Executive Officer role and the first people to fill those positions. Congratulations to Commodore Lancaster and Commodore Eriksen!
  • Fleet Services announced that three new Community Engagement Champions have been selected. In Discord, you know two of them as Grengol CO of the SS Mary Rose and Bagheera and Commodore Erikkson aka Shatner’s Hair was selected as the Assistant Services Director!
  • A new, easier, to use CO Reporting tool. So far, 18 sims have completed their reports using the new reporting tool. Well done!
  • Innovation & Development announced a new class to join our fleet, the Vesta. We’ve allocated one ship per task force so keep an eye out for the USS Juno in 47 and the USS Ceres in 72!
  • The winners of the Golden PADD competition were announced, SubjectHazard’s entry of “From the Cradle” was our winner, and you can read more here.
  • Three unique, Out of Character, awards were created for Obsidian Day, and it is a pleasure to announce the winners (using their Discord Names);
    • Social Vanguard: ShatnersHair
    • Personality of the Year: Bagheera
    • Volunteer of the Year: Berel Joon
  • We’re inviting members from across the fleet to join in our new rules review team. The aim of which is to simplify and redraft the Obsidian Fleet Rules.
  • We announced our new website and logo. There’s a brief introduction to IFS2 here if you’ve not already read it.

Rules Overhaul

As I’ve noted above, we announced at Obsidian Day that there would be a team put together to overhaul the Fleet’s rules and policies. This will be a thorough process, and we need help from all our members. If you are interested or want to know more, please take a look at the form linked here


The Fleet Council recently approved some changes to the Awards process to make it simpler for CO’s to use. RAdm Joon’s asking for comments from the CO’s so we can further refine the process.

Coming soon

We’ll be doing live Q&A’s on Discord and IFS2 starting soon.

Oh, and the rules team is one of a few we’ll be announcing over the next few weeks, so stay tuned for more information.

In closing, you’ll have noticed there’s a lot of changes around the place – the common theme of which is involvement. We’ve built IFS2 as a community hub, because that’s what we are. We’re a community of players brought together by our love of Star Trek and our desire to write stories in this universe. A community which plays this game together, exists together and we move forward together.

I’ll end on this musical note. It’s kinda our anthem for the next few months. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.

Admiral du Lac on behalf of the Joint Fleet Command