Another month in the books. This month we had the festivities of Obsidian Day to mark a high point for all of us while things in TF-47 had continued. There’s new changes on the horizon and more interesting and innovative ideas at the Fleet level, but for July things have held steady. During this month we lost one CO.
- Commander Benjamin Lincoln – USS Reliant
We’re always looking for qualified, steady heads at the CoNN so if you’re interested in the center chair we have plenty of simms to choose from in TF-47. From the AU-Universe to the main fleet. If you’re interested in running a simm, 47 is the place to be!
Task Force Ops
Time has opened up for me for the most part, so everyone’ seen more of me in the chat’s and on IFS-2. We’ve had a strong showing of 47 CO’s on the new site and I’m proud to say that the great majority of us are here. We have a few stragglers we’ll connect with (hides cattle prod) and get on board.
For those that missed the announcement on Obsidian Day, we have announced the newly created position of Task Force XO who will have a newly defined set of responsibilities to support me and the Task Force in making sure things are not only going smoothly operationally, but that we’re engaging the players, crew, co’s and potential’s in a way to continues to build on the community we all have developed the last few years together. That TFXO is Commodore Oliver Lancaster who will be vacating the role of TGCO – 47A and transferring into the 47-Independent Group with my own simm (Camp Falkirk) and the AU-simm’s. We are on the hunt for a TGCO for 47A, so if you’re interested, shoot me and/or Lancaster a message and we can chat.
If there’s anything we’re not doing for you, the CO’s and players, or anything you’d like to see done better please let us know. Our door’s are open, be that myself, CDRE Lancaster or Captain’s Watson and Vela. TF47 is here for you!
So awards are done a little differently now, per a change in the Fleet Rules. Each Task Force will now be presenting their own silver and gold medal winners, the bronze award has been dc’d. Please keep in mind that we want the Unit of Merit awards to be a well-earned merit for the simm/players who receive it. That said, there may be periods in which no award is given. I would much rather reward a simm that is truly performing magnificently than to let this award become a simple ‘participation’ trophy. That said, here are this month’s winners.
- Gold: USS Valkyrie: This month, the Valkyrie has done a great job of
building and maintaining a solid momentum with a great deal of quality. They lost a player
and replaced them almost immediately, and it didn’t stop them hitting a whopping 44 post
count from their 7 players! Great job guys! - Silver: USS Cross: Commander Hart is getting the Cross moving. In the
last month, I have seen their website grow and their story begin to move. It appears that
they are moving towards a solid SIM with great quality writers.
Looking forward to a great August, and for what the new IFS-2 and other changes have in store for us. Questions, concerns, comments, well wishes and donations are welcome anytime, my door’s open for you.