Joint Fleet Command Monthly Report – September 2017

Written Bydulac
Published On
7 October 2017
Welcome to September’s Monthly Report for the Joint Fleet Command!
In this edition, and in no particular order …
IFS2 News!
Project Updates!
Fleet Council Updates!
The JFC Song of the Month!
Well, this month started a bit quiet since we’d all got back after our summer holidays and @joon and @dulac realised they had this plague, more commonly known as “Students” to deal with after 2 and a bit months of quiet

It didn’t remain that way though.

IFS2 News

We skipped the Academy release (we’re still looking for an Academy Commandant!) so we could do something far, far cooler. We introduced the IFS2 Character Hub. RAdm Joon made an excellent intro to it here. Go have a look and add your characters! We’ll be releasing the first round of the Sim Hub functionality soon which will lay the foundation for the rest of the stuff to come.
I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank @joon for making my stuff look good, and also to drop in this little beauty which he created: – say hello to the Character Archive.

Project Updates

We’ve kicked off three projects now – Rules, Tech and Academy Materials.
First up – we’ve lost a few bodies in all three of these projects due to changes in the fleet and people moving up or moving on. We’d love to get some more people involved so if you’ve got time, contact the JFC on [email protected] with which project(s) you’d like to be involved in, some details about you (including your current highest position in the fleet and how long you’ve been a member of OF) and why you’d like to get involved.
Rules – we’ve started to make some headway. As you can imagine it’s quite a complex project involving the dissection of the current Fleet rules to work out where we are and where we need to be heading so there’s not a lot we can share at the moment. We’ll have something more definite in a report in the very near future.
Tech – we’ve made some positive and significant headway on this one over the past few weeks. We’ve identified some ship classes that need to be retired, several others where we need to either reposition them within the Fleet lineup or redo their specification to make them more unique and some auxiliary craft which are in need of a rewrite, consolidation or need dropping. Some of it may impact on sims so we’ll be giving people plenty of time to get ready for these and comment where it’s appropriate to do so
Academy Materials has started so there’s not a lot to report on this one.
Lore’s a bit slow at the moment, we’ve only had one app. So like the others, if you’re interested pop an email to the JFC.

Fleet Council Updates

So September started quiet, then got not so quiet. RAdm Hurin stepped down after 4 years of dutiful service as TFCO for Task Force 72. MGen MacTaryn jumped into the breach and RAdm Lancaster became … well, RAdm Lancaster in command of TF47. 
RAdm Viran stepped down as OMA Director too and @bagheera has stepped in as Commodore Gravis, Acting OMA Director.  So, started quiet and was peaceful until it wasn’t – hence the JFC Song of the Month!

See you next month!