Task Force 72 – November Report

Written Bydulac
Published On
8 December 2017

What a great month for the community of Task Force 72. I’m really glad to see everyone stepping up and participating actively in the Discord chats. As I said last month, if there’s anyone that hasn’t come over yet that you’re aware of, reach out to them and let them know that we’re here and ready to welcome everyone in to our growing community.

On to the recap of changes for the Task Force in the month of October.

  • USS Pico – NEW CO!
    • Lieutenant Commander Steven Anderson
  • USS Shanghai- Resigned CO

Join me in congratulating our new CO, Lieutenant Commander Anderson in the Discord chat!

We’re always looking for qualified, steady heads at the CoNN so if you’re interested in the center chair we have plenty of simms to choose from in TF-72. From the TME-Universe to the main fleet. If you’re interested in running a simm, 72 is the place to be!

Task Force Ops

Operationally, things are going well for Task Force 72. We did lose a CO this month (Shanghai) but we also gained one in the Pico, so while we would have preferred to go up one, it’s still good that we’re net zero change.

In other news, Captain Farragut of the Endeavor has been leading the charge for a Task Force wide metaplot, something that he’s been working on with the TGCO’s of 72. There will be more to share on that front as we flesh out the ideas and bring them out for everyone to feed off of, but if you’ve got ideas you want to share feel free to reach out to any one of us to talk that out. It’s something that will eventually roll into the grander lore for the Fleet, but for now just something for the CO’s of 72 to kick around.

Additionally, I spoke to the CO’s in Discord about a CO-wide JP to kick off a bit of a manhunt for a attempted terrorist attack on Admiral Sepandiyar. There was pretty strong support for this, so if you haven’t heard about that and are interested to know more, just email me or DM me on Discord and we can discuss. I’d like to get that moving hopefully this month, but with the holiday we may kick it off until January.

Now, speaking of CO’s, I have two promotions to give out this month. The first promotion goes to a skipper who’s been through quite a bit with me, and with Obsidian Fleet. He’s done a great job keeping his simm going and contributing heavily to the community both in Discord and in general. He’s been a rock, and so my first promotion this month will be for the skipper of the USS RoanokeCommodore Cornelius Harrington III.  Congratulations!!

In addition to the assistance Commodore Harrington has provided the last few months since I’ve been TFCO here in 72 (and previously in 47) another skipper has really stepped up to take care of business and I not only want to announce their promotion in grade but their promotion in position as well. So please join me in congratulating the skipper of the USS EndeavorCommodore Gregory Farragut on his promotion one grade as well as his appointment as Task Force Executive Officer! 

Commodore’s Harrington and Farragut have set the standard for leadership in TF72 (and Meru *waves to TF-47*) since I’ve arrived and so should be duly congratulated for their efforts and for their respective promotions. Well done Commodores!!

Big round of applause everyone!!

Now if there’s anything we’re not doing for you, the CO’s and players, or anything you’d like to see done better please let us know. Our door’s are open, be that myself, Commodores Farragut or Harrington. TF72 is here for you!


So awards are done a little differently now, per a change in the Fleet Rules. Each Task Force will now be presenting their own silver  and gold medal winners, the bronze award has been dc’d. Please keep in mind that we want the Unit of Merit awards to be a well-earned merit for the simm/players who receive it. That said, there may be periods in which no award is given. I would much rather reward a simm that is truly performing magnificently than to let this award become a simple ‘participation’ trophy.

That said, this is probably not going to be the most popular decision, but we have no Unit of Merit winners for November 2017. I really want this award to mean something to those that receive it, and while the CO’s of 72 and their crew’s have done a great job this month, putting in an incredible individual effort to drive activity, post counts and general participation, I’ve found it hard to pick any one simm (or two incidentally) over the others so instead I’ve chosen to name no winner this month. So, Great Job everyone! Looking forward to being blown away in December.

Looking forward to a great December and the New Year for what the new IFS-2 and other changes have in store for us. Questions, concerns, comments, well wishes and donations are welcome anytime (tf72 at obsidianfleet.net), my door’s open for you.