Office of Mediation and Arbitration – December Report

Written Bydulac
Published On
25 January 2018

Another year has gone, and a new one has begun – what exciting times!  As we ring in the new year, we often think of how it will be better than the last; everyone wants to improve, set goals and be productive in the end, why else would we have “new year resolutions?”  The Office of Mediation and Arbitration is no different in that respect and has set a few goals for the new year; while some are short-term, others are long-term, of course.


2018 Goals

  • Continue working to produce course material for the COAL, as well as the regular Fleet Academy for conflict resolution, problem-solving tactics, and communication techniques.
  • Move forward with the current ‘rules revamp’ that has fallen under the purview of the Office; the information will be in a much more user-friendly format, with proper verbiage and should be far easier to read.
  • Catch all the Pokemon.


Goals can often be easier to set than to accomplish, but it is my hope that things will move on well enough to allow the fruition of the ideals.  It is with high hopes that all of the Office’s goals will be met, as well as any future goals set will also be met this year.


2017 Year End

  • No new cases were brought before the Office in the last year.
  • The Office took the ‘rules revamp’ project under its purview.
    • adjustments in editing and collaboration were made for ease between parties involved.
    • review of work already accomplished was done, and progress was made.
    • communication between committee members improved.
  • The coursework for the COAL and Fleet Academy was looked at and changes / improvements are being made.

Altogether the year of 2017 was productive, though there were noted areas where improvement could be made in the Office.  With the new year unfolding before us, look forward to new and better things that come down the line.