Fleet Council Appointments

Written Bydulac
Published On
25 April 2018


Admiral’s DuLac, Sharr and I would like to announce our two newest additions to the Fleet Council. We’ve been some time without a Director in two of our keys roles and after reviewing a great many wonderful applications from the Fleet we’ve chosen two new faces to help us move forward in updating Lore, Technology and Academy. Please join us in welcoming:

  • Rear Admiral Henry Markstrom – Director of Lore & Technology
  • Rear Admiral Travani Dal – Director of Fleet Academy

We’re looking forward to all the great changes in store for the Fleet and to the updates Admiral’s Markstrom and Dal can bring. Best of luck to you both and thanks for stepping up!


Admiral’s DuLac, Sharr and Sepandiyar
Joint Fleet Command
Obsidian Fleet