Task Force 29 | June Report 2021

Written Bydulac
Published On
8 July 2021

Wait a second, who is this name that’s filling out reports. That’s not our Admiral! Admiral Sepandiyar was enjoying his weekend, and then had some other matters to chase after first, so we wanted to make sure this was put out quickly and without any issues. So, you all have to put up with me looking over your shoulder for June. Consider this a spot check of how things are going! 

Going through it looks like a couple sims might be suffering a little, with some sims struggling with posting. With such amazing teams here we’d hate to see any suffer, and our team is here to help.  While I am not your Task Force Commanding Officer, I am always here for support if you need, please feel free to reach out!

Arrivals and Departures

This month saw no changes to TF29. 


Our current numbers: 

Active Sims: 5

Open Commands: 

RIO: 0

Total Posts (SPM): 68.4

Average Posts per Player: 2.43


No promotions at this time. 

Unit of Merit

This month I’m not going to be putting forward a Unit of Merit, as I don’t know the people here well enough to give a fair review since I am just supporting this month. I’ll let the good Admiral make the call next month. Keep up the good work!


Should you have questions or concerns, you may reach me via email at [email protected], or back to the good Admiral at [email protected]. Have fun and safe simming!